TEST Valley civic chiefs have snared another flytipper who dumped waste in the borough.

Stephen Mason, 66, from North Baddesley, has been ordered to pay over £1,500 after leaving items at a fly-tipping hotspot in Romsey.

On September 16 2023, a resident found items in shrubbery in Lee Drove near to their home and contacted Test Valley Borough Council.

Nearby covert cameras showed a man driving into a layby, opening the boot of his vehicle before removing a pet carrier and chair and throwing them into the hedge.

The man was identified as Mason, of Ringwood Drive, who claimed that one of his cats had gone missing and was spotted in that area. He said he sat in the chair with the carrier for about an hour while waiting for the return of the cat.

Images from the covert camera showed that was untrue and the process of Mason arriving and dumping the items took just over a minute.

Mason admitted depositing controlled waste  without the authority of a current environmental permit issued under the Environmental Protection Act 1990. 

Appearing at Southampton Magistrates Court, Mason was fined £1,049 and ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £280 and full costs of £620.

Portfolio holder for Recycling and Environmental Services, Cllr David Drew, said: “There is never an excuse for fly-tipping and we have a brilliant record in Test Valley in catching those who do. Disposing of your waste legally is very easy to do in the borough and could save you a trip to the courts and a criminal record. If you spot any fly-tipping in Test Valley then please report it to us.”

You can report fly-tips to TVBC at www.testvalley.gov.uk/fly-tipping.