FORMER employees at a beloved Hampshire plant nursery have opened their own business venture.

After the closure of Choice Plants in Timsbury, near Romsey, Vicky Betteridge, 40, and Livvy Parsons, 20, decided to set up shop at a new venue a few miles out of town.

The Country Cafe at Hill Farm Caravan Park, Branches Lane, Sherfield English, has sprung up from the ashes of the decades-long business of Roger and Mary Savage.

READ MORE: Local plant nursery near Romsey to close after 30 years of business

Roger and Mary Savage, owners of Choice Plants in Romsey (Image: Roger and Mary Savage)

Vicky and Livvy used to work at the Choice Plants café and were devastated to hear the nursery would be closing at the end of June.

The Country Cafe opened its doors on March 25 and serves traditional British fare such as ploughman's lunches, scotch eggs and local cheeses.

Vicky said: “We’ve had a very positive start with great support from existing and new customers. We’re very much looking forward to seeing where the rest of the year takes us.” 

Roger and Mary Savage ran Choice Plants for 34 years, eventually deciding to shut up because they felt it was the right moment.

On the reasons for their retirement, Mr Savage said: "I'm 66 and I've been at it for 34 years. It's good fun but it's hard work. It's better to leave now when you're still fit rather than injure yourself.

SEE MORE: Plantaholics in Romsey opens new outdoor section 'In the Garden'

"It's another chapter in life. We've got loads of pastimes. It's about moving on and doing something new."

Romsey has not been left without plant shops in the area, however.

Plantaholics is another independent store which provides both indoor and outdoor plants, and is run by two local men.

Dean Weeks, 38, and David Head, 39, opened the shop two years ago, recently unveiling a new outdoor section called "In the Garden". 

On their home-grown business style, Dean said: "We are just enthusiastic gardeners really. We like to be able to help people and give guidance."