A children's cancer charity has been handed a record-breaking donation from festival organisers.

Abby's Heroes have received £5,837.07 from the organisers of the Alresford Watercress Festival.

The funds were given by John Cattle, Claire May and MD of The Watercress Company, Tom Amery on May 19.

Since 2019, Abby’s Heroes has been the festival's official charity.

The significant backing came from festival goers who swapped donations for over 4,000 bags of fresh watercress given out by 40 volunteers of Abby's Heroes from the 18,000 strong crowd.

Charity founder and CEO, Sally Randall, along with Jane Wilmshurst, were presented the donation at Manor Farm watercress farm. They were also informed that Abby’s Heroes would continue as the official charity for the festival on May 20 2025.

Claire May, Alresford Watercress Festival manager, said: "The work that Abby’s Heroes does is invaluable. We’re so proud to have been able to donate such an impressive sum and thank everyone who donated. We look forward to trying to beat it next year!"

Ms Randall said: "We can’t thank the organisers, our volunteers or the festival goers enough for their generosity. Raising such a large sum from one event is an amazing achievement and testament to all the hard work that goes into making the Festival such a success year after year."