George Medd's letter (Hampshire Chronicle, June 20) poses the question whether youth crime could be fought by reforming schools. Aren't schools doing enough already?

Breakfast clubs for many children who would, otherwise, have to concentrate all morning without sustenance, not uniquely restricted to impoverished families.

After school clubs, for children of all socio-economic groups, whose parents are unable to collect their children at the end of the school day.

Potty training children up to the age of seven.

Teaching our children to speak: 25 per cent of our Early Years Foundation Stage children cannot communicate orally, simply because they have not been spoken to. 

I am wondering where parental responsibility factors into George's question.

Politicians citing poverty, austerity, the pandemic, quite frankly, do not cut the mustard. We elderly citizens have lived through extremely difficult times, in this country and abroad. It was, and still is uniquely, when parents fail to recognise their duty to educate their children effectively about the difference between right and wrong that hideous crimes arise. Perhaps they should put down their phones from time-to-time.

Una Stevens,
Cliff Way, 

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