A production at a Winchester theatre has proven so popular that a second performance has now been added.

Tickets for the Chesil Theatre's adaptation of Captain Corelli’s Mandolin are in such high demand, a preview performance has been added on Friday, July 12.

The story traces the lives of the community on the Greek island of Kefalonia during the foreign occupation in World War II.

The captivating narrative challenges the protagonists to reconsider their loyalties and the value of freedom.

The locals, including Pelagia, despite initially detesting the Italian occupiers, find themselves drawn to the likeable Captain Antonio Corelli.

Director Eleanor Marsden said: "The hard-working cast and crew are bringing to life this vivid drama about the struggles of the Greek people under occupation."

The show runs from July 13 to July 20 with a matinee on July 14 and another on the closing day at 2.30pm.

Tickets start at £10 and are available at www.chesiltheatre.org.uk. Additionally, tickets for the theatre's six shows next season are on sale now.