A WINCHESTER flower enthusiast is starting free sessions at a St Cross pub to encourage more people to appreciate flower arranging.

Roz Wright, member of Winchester Flower Club for more than 20 years, wants people to appreciate the benefits of the hobby.

Roz, of Sleepers Delle Gardens, said: “The sessions will be held at The Bell Inn in St Cross and will be free and open to all. The pub is letting me use one of the rooms for free, but if we get too many people, we can also use the garden.

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Roz Wright (Image: Newsquest)

“It will be launching in August. I want to get people out of their homes. People are still nervous about coming out after the pandemic. Flower arranging is beautiful and it helps people forget their cares. 

“Plants give all sorts of benefits including perfume and incense.”

Looking ahead, Roz, 76, also wants to start paid classes for 'mindful flower arranging'. 

She is also in the process of archiving Winchester Flower Club Hampshire Chronicle articles, from when it started in the 1950s. 

For more information about the club, visit nafas.org.uk/nafas-areas/wessex-jersey/.