The secretary of the United Nations has told all member states that they have just five years left to stop overheating our wonderful planet, if we are to avoid further deterioration, making parts of the world uninhabitable. That means this next parliament. 

So far, I have received no campaign literature that mentions appropriate actions now as a topic.

Although it probably seems to not be a vote winner, we have a right to know potential candidates' views and their sense of urgency. The next government needs not only practical policies now, it also needs to show imagination in reporting progress on the environment so that people feel encouraged to play their part. 

How is the Great Northern Forest from Liverpool to Hull coming on? 

Why not set a national target for replacing seagrass round our coasts (97 per cent of which we have destroyed) within five years to restore the home fishing industry? Perhaps modest funds allocated locally would energise wildlife trusts to achieve this, and so on. Women just want a stable healthy environment to bring their children into. 

Unfortunately, present world leaders seem trapped into a culture of war and war preparations. We already know how to destroy whole populations, so this may prevent the actions the U.N. Secretary General is calling for in time. Resources are limited and govern government behaviour. There are too many weapons in circulation, leading to corruption. 

We shouldn’t misuse our undoubted technical abilities to meet this environmental challenge for the sake of our grandchildren. 

Andrew Rutter ,

St Johns Road, 

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