Should we be worried about the changes in our city and the apparent lack of action? 

Remember the old police station on North Walls, demolished and now used for what? 

Then we had a multi storey car park, much needed in the city for those making short visits, partly demolished. 

Then finally Friarsgate medical centre demolished, great - an opportunity to build much needed homes in our city - yet what has happened?

We had Currys, now a 20- mile round trip away. Then Halfords, much-needed and going soon. Now I read Bell Fine Art is closing (Chronicle, June 13). Thank goodness we still have our wonderful cathedral which needs all our support but I suppose the council has no influence there or maybe that would close too.

During this election, we hear constantly how wonderful things are but my examples might suggest otherwise.

Tony Gaster,
Old Kennels Lane,
Oliver's Battery,

Lettereditor's note: The site of the Friarsgate medical centre is soon to be a 'pop-up' park, a 'meanwhile' use before the area is redeveloped as part of the Silver Hill/Central Winchester Regeneration currently in the pipeline. Watch this space!

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