An actor who played Prince Andrew in TV series The Crown has endorsed the campaign of Winchester's Liberal Democrat candidate.

James Murray has backed Danny Chambers because he shares the Liberal Democrats' concern over the pollution of the UK's waterways.

He lives near Alresford with his wife Sarah Parish and enjoys fishing in local streams.

Mr Murray, who founded Active Anglers with the Angling Trust, said: “As custodians of our waterways, anglers have long been vocal on the sewage scandal plighting our chalk streams and rivers. 

(Image: Danny Chambers)

“This election we need to elect a local MP who will stand up for environment and fight to ensure water companies are properly penalised for dumping raw sewage.

“Danny with his scientific training as a vet is someone who takes this issue seriously. That’s why I’m backing him this election.”

Stopping water companies from dumping sewage into the country's waterways is a central theme of the Lib Dem campaign.

At his campaign launch earlier this week, Mr Chambers said: “Now more than ever we need an MP who has bold ideas to protect our local NHS, who has the passion and the training to tackle the climate emergency, and who will take action against river pollution.”