HAMPSHIRE and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust is calling for bold and committed action for nature’s recovery as General Election campaigning gets under way.

Following the announcement that a General Election will be held on July 4, the trust has emphasised the importance of this election for the future of UK wildlife.

Debbie Tann, chief executive of Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust, has urged all political parties, candidates, and voters to prioritise nature and biodiversity in their platforms, policies and choices.

She said: “The next five years will be decisive in our efforts to protect and restore the natural environment. We need bold and committed action from political leaders to ensure we meet our targets and secure a thriving natural world for future generations.”

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The trust has identified five key policy priorities that must be addressed to halt and reverse species decline: reforming the planning system, supporting the transition to nature-friendly farming, tackling water pollution: supporting greener communities and prioritising nature-based solutions to climate change. 

The trust is calling on all political parties to commit to these policy priorities and demonstrate their dedication to nature conservation. 

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust remains dedicated to working with local communities, policymakers, and conservation partners to ensure that nature is at the heart of decision-making processes.