GREEN fingered nursery children near Wickham have been gardening outdoors with the help of a housebuilder.

Children at Fairlands Nursery got their hands dirty for National Children’s Gardening Week after Bewley Homes donated £250 of wildflower seed kits for the children to plant.

National Children’s Gardening Week (25 May to 2 June) is an initiative aimed at getting children into gardening.

To lend a hand Katie O’Brian from Bewley Homes visited the nursery which is near the developer's new Bishop’s Garden development in Wickham.

Hampshire Chronicle: Bewley homes donated £250 of wild flower seed kitsBewley homes donated £250 of wild flower seed kits (Image: Bewley Homes)

READ MORE: Housing developer teams up with Hampshire nursery for National Story Telling Week

Emily Gartherer, from Fairlands Nursery in Shedfield, said: “We were thrilled to take part in this wonderful initiative which allows our children to learn something new and have fun at the same time. We are keen to develop the children's understanding by talking about why we care for the environment, by giving them the responsibility to grow their own flowers.”

Bewley’s sales and marketing director, Elaine Stratford, added: “It was lovely to see so much enthusiasm for gardening from the children. We choose wildflower seeds to help the children understand how important they are to attract bees and help towards a healthy environment.

“We have been involved with a number of school initiatives this year across the south, where we are building new developments, to promote important campaigns in site safety and careers in housebuilding. Marking National Children’s Gardening Week was another important way to engage with young children.”