More than 94,000 pupils from 352 Hampshire schools will participate in this year’s ‘Walk to School Week’ event, from May 20-24.

This annual programme encourages families to park their cars and walk, scoot or cycle a larger portion of their school commute, in an initiative called park and stride.

Schoolchildren across the county are being incentivised by a specially designed campaign poster by Charlotte Aston, a year 6 student at St. Luke's Primary School in Sway in the New Forest.

Coinciding with Walk to School Week, 53 local nurseries, preschools, playgroups, and childminding services are organising 'Walk with Wheels Week.' This will include 2,781 younger students encouraging active commute methods.

The goal is to inspire families to choose these healthier travel options more frequently, even after the event.

Cllr Nick Adams-King, Hampshire County Council’s cabinet lead for universal services, said: "The longer, brighter summer days provide an added incentive to walk, cycle or scoot to school more often. 

"Taking cars off the road during the school run is also positive for our environment and helps to reduce congestion during peak hours. The County Council works with schools all year around to equip young people with active travel skills including bike training and the development of school travel plans."