Back to school has taken on a new meaning for six Hampshire health professionals who turned teachers in a unique University Internship scheme.

The University of Winchester has been home to this trailblazing project where four nurses, a midwife and a physiotherapist transferred their wealth of frontline knowledge and skills to students for one day each week, for 20 weeks.

The initiative aims to create a reciprocal pipeline between hospitals and academia, allowing 76 south east health professionals to learn how to teach in a university setting.

The University's Faculty of Health and Wellbeing recently held an event celebrating the scheme's success, with hopes that it can serve as a model for the entire NHS, which has funded this project.

The interns, from Hampshire Hospitals Foundation Trust (HHFT), Southern Health and Solent NHS, have gained insightful understanding of teaching and supporting students.

It also acted as a precursor for those considering a career in higher education.

Many at the event lauded the interns' valuable contributions to the classroom.

They praised not only their knowledge but their up-to-date frontline experience, which benefited both students and staff.

Physiotherapist Hannah Rhodes was one of the speakers at the event, held at the West Downs Centre, in Romsey Road.

All six interns, Vivien, Hannah, Gemma, Clementinah Phiri, Ujunwa Ezeama and Lucy Wills received a certificate from the Dean of the Faculty of Health and Wellbeing, Elizabeth Davies-Ward, herself a qualified nurse.