Animal lover claims records with horse and sheep who can perform hundreds of tricks

By Vicki Newman
rose and beanie split image

Animal lover Noeline Cassettari (Australia) has neigh reason to complain after setting records with two of her amazing pets.

Noeline’s miniature horse Rose claimed the title of most tricks performed by a horse in one minute with 13, while Beanie set the record for most tricks performed by a sheep in one minute with 11.

Rose can perform tricks like stay, come, smile, bow, ring a bell, and even pick a playing card from a deck.

On command, Beanie can wipe his feet, lift his front legs, pivot, go through a hoop, and spin.

But that’s just the beginning for the clever animals, who can each do around 101 tricks.

Noeline was inspired to attempt the records by her friend Megan Reimann (USA), whose cow Ghost holds the record for most tricks performed by a cow in one minute.

rose the horse picking a card from the deck

Noeline works in animation and illustration and has created imagery for many animal books over the years.

Training animals is a hobby, and one we can all agree she’s incredibly good at.

Rose came into her life 21 years ago after she saw her first ever miniature horse and fell in love.

rose the horse performing tricks

Noeline said: “21 years ago I discovered miniature horses exist. Miniature horses! I lived in the middle of the suburbs. It wasn’t long before I purchased Rose as a foal and found horse stables nearby where I could board her. 

“I visited her before and after work every day and took her for walks around the neighbourhood on weekends.”

Noeline saw other people training their horses but felt it didn’t look like the animals were enjoying themselves.

rose the horse standing on a pedestal

Her husband, who had studied psychology, suggested she look up positive reinforcement and she says it changed their lives.

Before long, Rose could sit, stand on a pedestal, and do many other clever tricks.

Noeline and Rose live on an 11-acre farm just north of Sydney along with Beanie and his sheep friend Jacket, miniature horse Thumbelina, mini donkeys Chelsea and Cindy, Cadbury the llama, and mini cattle Ebony, Coco, Minnie, Saxon and Hooray.

rose the horse can pick things up with her mouth

And every single one of them can perform tricks – Thumbelina has also had a moment in the spotlight on Australia’s Got Talent.

But there’s definitely something special about Rose and Beanie.

Noeline said: “Rose and Beanie are the only non-dogs in the world to have earned a Grand Champion title through ‘Do More With Your Dog’, by submitting videos online. 

“They have both earned their Champion Masters title which requires 101 tricks! Rose and Beanie also compete in online agility challenges, and online Freestyle dog dancing! Rose enjoys carriage driving also.”

While Rose and Beanie both have over 100 tricks in their arsenal, Noeline chose their fastest tricks for the record titles.

Noeline rewards them with their favourite snacks – chopped carrots for Rose and pellets for Beanie – and they get a kick out of performing their tricks.

Rose’s favourite trick is smiling, and she smiles at all the farm’s visitors in the hope they’ve got a carrot going spare.

Beanie was one of the first Valais Blacknose sheep born in Australia, and the breed has become a popular pet.

beanie the sheep walking through a hoop

Noeline said: “I think Beanie is a very good example of what wonderful pets Valais sheep can be. Beanie completed his record before his second birthday. He can already do 101 tricks! 

“The hardest trick to teach him was to sit. But we just used his fastest tricks for the record. Unfortunately, he did wander off to say hello to the photographer in the middle of his spin. He is very friendly. 

beanie the sheep bowing

“I have had Beanie since he was three months old and we do something fun together most days. He runs up from the paddock when he sees me!”

She added: “Despite the popular belief that sheep are dumb and stupid, I think Beanie has proved otherwise! He has a very good memory and always remembers the trick we have done the day before. 

“Often, he recalls it better than I do. And he has learned all the same tricks as dogs, in a similar time frame. Learning tricks has made him very confident. He is happy to try new things and is relaxed around people. 

beanie the sheep lifting his leg

“Because I use verbal and visual cues, Beanie knows the meaning of many words. Although Beanie isn’t aware of his achievements, I think he is a very good role model for sheep.”

After being inspired by her friend Megan, Noeline says they’re now planning a bit of healthy competition where they’ll try to beat each other’s records with their animals – with her miniature cow Ebony already practising for the record currently held by Ghost.

Noeline is incredibly proud of Rose and Beanie and loves that they’ve shown the world just how clever animals can be. 

beanie the sheep wanders over to the photographer

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