United Biscuits case study

Most Books Toppled in a Domino Fashion

The Results

Books set up and toppled
5,381 books
Employees that took part
150 Employees

The Brief

United Biscuits, producers of much-loved McVitie’s Jaffa Cakes and Penguin biscuits, were seeking to create a memorable staff engagement event that embodied an authentic sense of achievement. With an internal running motif of ‘Believe in Better’, the aim of the event was to motivate their 150-strong UK sales team, to truly believe in their ability to build on the success of the previous 12 months. 

The Guinness World Records creative team were challenged with creating a suitable record-based solution that would incorporate the core objectives of energising and motivating the team in order to improve on the previous year’s fantastic results and to ‘believe’ in doing better in 2015.

United Biscuits - Guinness World Records - Middle Image

The Solution

Guinness World Records devised a playful presentation to kick start the day, followed by focused training and a fitting record title challenge for the Most books toppled in a domino fashion, that tapped into the company’s core values and would excite and energise the sales team to deliver for the year ahead.

The attempt was kept a surprise for the United Biscuits UK sales team until the morning of the event, but with help from the Guinness World Records event team, delegates went from being told about the attempt to becoming proud new Guinness World Records record holders in a little over two hours!

At United Biscuits we take great pride in our team spirit and the day provided an opportunity to strengthen this through a bespoke challenge, tailored to our focus on achieving even bigger and better things within the UK sales team this year. To have broken a Guinness World Records title is a fantastic achievement for the team, and was a fun way to kick-off the year whilst setting our stall out for a successful 2015.
— Mark Winter, Sales Director at United Biscuits UK & Ireland