Grace Cancer Foundation

Largest oral hygiene lesson


The Results

Diagnosed patients
40 cases of oral cancer treated free of charge
Number of attendees
13,000 attendees to the cancer screening event
Number of participants
4,578 participants who took part in the record attempt

The Brief

On the occasion of World Cancer Day 2019, Grace Cancer Foundation wanted to offer free cancer screening services in India. With the belief that every person should have an equal right for treatment, regardless of gender, social, and economic status, the Foundation wanted to attract as many people as possible to its event. The goal: to create public awareness and spread vital knowledge on prevention.

The Solution

The activity had to be non-invasive, so Guinness World Records proposed a mass participation learning session for oral cancer. 

India currently holds the highest global statistic for mouth cancer. Oral cancers are very common in tribal regions in India, making awareness and screening even more most essential. 

This is mainly due to the culture of chewing tobacco in India, where Gutka, a form of chewing tobacco is targeted towards the younger generation. 4,578 people took part in the oral hygiene lesson, which guided participants step by step on preventative measures they can take. 

The lesson also informed on harmful habits which can lead to cancer, like chewing tobacco. Moreover, during the Largest oral hygiene lesson, 40 people were identified with suspected oral cancer. 

This GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS® attempt goes to show how simple screening methods will go a long way in early detection and cure. The 40 individuals have been diagnosed with various confirmed cases of oral cancer and have been treated at a nearby hospital free of cost under a new government scheme.

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