Gen Z's turning more and more to skilled trades; here's why

Rachel Touchet
Owner/CEO of R&R Resolute Staffing.

According to a recently published story in the Wall Street Journal, the skilled trades career path has seen a huge rise in interest among Gen Z and our future work force.

Gone are the days when the traditional career path of a high school diploma followed by a college diploma was the only option. More students are enrolling in vocational-focused community colleges to immerse themselves in fields such as construction maintenance, vehicle maintenance and repair, electrical work, and much more. The National Student Clearinghouse began tracking student enrollment in vocational-focused community colleges, and last year's enrollment rose 16%, its highest jump since the organization began tracking the data in 2018.

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As the owner of R&R Resolute Staffing here in the Upstate, I have personally witnessed the shift in mindset in our younger work force. According to data from US News, the average cost of tuition for a ranked, in-state public college was a little over $10,000 for 2023-2024. In addition, there are other costs to consider, such as food, housing, and books, which can easily add thousands more per year. For some students coming out of high school, these costs and the idea of sitting in a classroom for another four years, mean this just is not a good fit.

Greenville Technical College here in the Upstate is doing a fantastic job at servicing this new workforce and offers classes in its Industrial, Manufacturing and Trades departments. Here, courses are offered for machine operators, in construction, electrical training, manufacturing, and many more. Classes are held in the daytime and evenings so students are able to work while completing their education.

In 2018, Greenville Tech started a four-year applied baccalaureate degree to prepare advanced manufacturing workers for management positions, again adding more emphasis on skilled labor as a viable career path for many.

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Recently, at R&R Resolute Staffing, we placed welders in roles at an Upstate company. I was able to facilitate their getting class credit while working through a welding training program that Greenville Tech hosts. This type of partnership means so much to these individuals, as it truly helps some students survive and ultimately garner the skills and credits needed to further their careers.

In recent years, the Upstate’s economy has been on an upswing, thanks in great measure to automotive manufacturing, electric vehicle battery manufacturing, aerospace, life sciences, and much more. Businesses of all sizes are flourishing, or new companies are opening operations in our area. A skilled workforce is needed for these jobs.

One thing is evident as the Upstate grows, and that is that skilled workers are needed more than ever, so continuing to form educational opportunities around trades will be essential for our economic growth.

Rachel Touchet is owner and CEO of R&R Resolute Staffing Firm.