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Jason Zengerle

Jason Zengerle is a writer for GQ.

Why Is Hillary Looking Past the One Group Trump Is Winning?

The DNC offered something for just about every American—except the working-class white people flocking to Trump.
DNC 2016

Bill Clinton's DNC Speech Reminded Us of One Very Important Thing

The Bill is back, baby.
DNC 2016

Tim Kaine is Hillary Clinton's VP, and We're Already Bored

More like Clinton/Bore, are we right?!
RNC 2016

The Ballsy Reason Ted Cruz Won't Endorse Donald Trump

Cruz knows what he's doing, and it's not just because he has a grudge
RNC 2016

Will Ted Cruz Endorse Donald Trump?

Tonight we find out if Lyin' Ted will become Abidin' Ted
RNC 2016

Three Theories on WTF Happened With Melania Trump’s Speech

Was it sabotage…or worse, intentional?
RNC 2016

From Melania Trump to Joni Ernst, Everybody Who Took the Stage Last Night at the RNC Was a Disaster

And suddenly the GOP's outlook for 2020 looks even worse.
RNC 2016

How the Never Trump Movement Died a Lonely Death

Millions of Trump-hating voices cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

No Country for Old White GOP Men

You'll never guess who's in Cleveland for the RNC—and who's not.

Dear Mike Pence, Being Trump's VP is a Bad Idea

How good are you at remembering McDonald's orders?

Who Are Trump's VP Candidates? A Busy Man's Guide to Old White Guys

Meet the men vying to be The Donald's running mate.

Don't Mess With Neera Tanden, Hillary Clinton’s Self-Appointed Secretary of Defense, on Twitter

She will crush you, just like she did Shailene Woodley

The Love Song of Robert Bentley, Alabama's Horndog Governor

Burner phones! Secret tapes! The sex scandal currently engulfing the governor of Alabama has it all, except a typical villain. Robert Bentley was a kindly old grandpa and Sunday-school teacher. Then he got into politics and found that new temptations come with the keys to the governor’s mansion.

War Hero Congressman: "I Think The Republicans Are Afraid of the NRA"

The Democratic congressman from Massachusetts

Welcome to Donald Trump’s GOP, the Party That Hates Itself

Watch as Republicans like Marco Rubio and Mitch McConnell choke down the candidate they don’t want.

Oh God, Hillary Could Actually Screw This Up

A week of missteps and setbacks by Hillary Clinton makes a Trump presidency suddenly seem less impossible.

Stuart Stevens, GOP Guru: “Bernie Will Have Been More Important Than Trump”

Mitt Romney’s campaign strategist on the Bernie Sanders breakout and where the GOP goes from here.

Bill Clinton’s Big Moment: His Health, His Battle Plan for Trump, and What He’ll Do if Hillary Wins

At 69, Bill Clinton is helping Hillary Clinton run her 2016 presidential campaign with the goal of becoming...what, exactly? A kind of über-veep? A chaotic meddler-in-chief? On the trail and across Washington, already there is whispering and wondering: Who is Bill Clinton these days? And who does he intend to be if he—er, if his wife—wins the White House?

Why Won't Bernie Sanders Just Give Up Already?

He has no path to the presidency, and yet...

What’s Really Going On Inside Trump’s Political Operation?

Are they leaking dirt to the Enquirer? Preparing for a riot in Cleveland? Trump political pal Roger Stone on how Team Trump is waging war.

What Was Marco Rubio's Deal, Anyway?

How a Cautious Campaign Doomed Marco Rubio

Whoa, Why Is Obama Trying to End This Guy’s Career?

Why the most powerful man on the planet is hell-bent on defeating a small-time politician in Chicago.