Nuclear Waste Services

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What we do


Research and statistics

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Transparency and freedom of information releases

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Our management

Chair of the Board (Independent Non-Executive Director)
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Operating Officer
General Counsel and Company Secretary
Chief Financial Officer
Chief Technical Officer
Corporate Services Director
Commercial Director
Environmental, Health, Safety, Security & Quality (EHSS&Q) Director
IWMP Programme and Strategy Director

Contact the Nuclear Waste Services

Nuclear Waste Services

Pelham House
Pelham Drive
CA20 1DB
United Kingdom

Make an FOI request

  1. Read about the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act and how to make a request.
  2. Check our previous releases to see if we’ve already answered your question.
  3. Make a new request by contacting us using the details below.

Freedom of Information

Nuclear Waste Services is a trading name of both LLW Repository Limited and Radioactive Waste Management Limited. Make a new request to LLW Repository Limited or Radioactive Waste Management Limited by contacting us using the above details.