Government People Group

Latest from the Government People Group

What we do

The Government People Group (GPG) exists to work with departments, professions, and functions to build a skilled, modern, and effective Civil Service.

GPG is part of the Cabinet Office and the Civil Service.

Read more about what we do


Our management

Government Chief People Officer
Executive Director for Senior Talent and Resourcing
Executive Director for Senior Talent and Resourcing
Director of Civil Service Pay, Policy and Pensions
Director of Functional Strategy, Performance and Capability
Director of Shared Services for Government
Director of Platforms, Data and Interoperability
Deputy Director of Employee Experience and People Performance
Director of Recruitment
Director of Government Skills
Executive Director of Line Management Capability

Make an FOI request

  1. Read about the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act and how to make a request.
  2. Check our previous releases to see if we’ve already answered your question.

High profile groups within GPG

Corporate information

Jobs and contracts