Read more about California to add financial literacy as a requirement to graduate high school

News California to add financial literacy as a requirement to graduate high school What you need to know: California is ensuring that all high school students are taught personal financial literacy before graduating after an agreement between state leadership and NGPF... Read MoreRead more about California to add financial literacy as a requirement to graduate high school

Read more about Governor Newsom supports efforts to get smartphones out of schools

News Governor Newsom supports efforts to get smartphones out of schools SACRAMENTO  – Governor Gavin Newsom today issued the following statement, supporting efforts to restrict smartphone use in California schools. As the Surgeon General affirmed, social media is... Read MoreRead more about Governor Newsom supports efforts to get smartphones out of schools

First Partner's summer book club logo Read more about First Partner Siebel Newsom kicks off summer with Annual Summer Book Club

News First Partner Siebel Newsom kicks off summer with Annual Summer Book Club Para leer este comunicado en español, haga clic aquí.SACRAMENTO – California First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom today announced the start of this year’s First Partner’s Summer Book Club.... Read MoreRead more about First Partner Siebel Newsom kicks off summer with Annual Summer Book Club

First Partner's summer book club logo Read more about La Primera Pareja Siebel Newsom lanza el club de lectura para el verano

News La Primera Pareja Siebel Newsom lanza el club de lectura para el verano To read this release in English, click here.SACRAMENTO – La Primera Pareja de California Jennifer Siebel Newsom anunció hoy el inicio del Club de Lectura para el Verano de la Primera Pareja.... Read MoreRead more about La Primera Pareja Siebel Newsom lanza el club de lectura para el verano

Read more about California submits proposal to increase federal financial aid access for more community college students

News California submits proposal to increase federal financial aid access for more community college students What you need to know: From California’s Master Plan for Career Education, to the community colleges’ Guided Pathways framework and dual enrollment... Read MoreRead more about California submits proposal to increase federal financial aid access for more community college students