Current opportunities

These are open positions you can apply for. This list is current as of July 15, 2024.

If you are interested in any of these opportunities, you may apply at Application for appointment.

Questions? Contact the Appointments Office at or 916-445-4541.

Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agencies:

Civil Rights Department  

  • Deputy Director, Strategic Initiatives and External Affairs  
    • Provides expert advice and analysis to the executive team on civil rights issues, cases, developments, and trends nationally and in the state. Leads the CA vs. Hate Resource Line and Network and directs the work of the Community Conflict Resolution Unit (CCRU), including reviewing and guiding case work and conducting outreach with stakeholders. Represents and acts for the Department on committees and task forces, in community trainings and outreach and at community conciliations, among other duties 
    • Salary Range: $153,300 – $189,948 

Housing and Community Development (HCD)

  • Assistant Deputy Director, Fair Housing
    • Serves as senior policy advisor and lead staff in accomplishing the State’s mandated requirements to affirmatively further fair housing and improve state outcomes to reduce racially segregated concentrations of poverty and displacement. Coordinates with federal, state, local government agencies, and non-governmental agencies to assist in meeting requirements
    • Salary Range: $121,597 – $135,453


California State Transportation Agency

  • Deputy Secretary for Innovative Mobility Solutions
    • Coordinates CalSTA efforts to promote the deployment of cutting-edge technologies and innovative solutions to maximize safety and mobility across all modes of transportation
    • Salary Range: $155,760 – $173,484
  • Deputy Secretary for Equity and Workforce
    • Coordinates transportation equity work within CalSTA, and responsible for developing and coordinating workforce development strategies in the transportation sector in partnership with state and local agencies, and external stakeholders
    • Salary Range: $151,224 – $168,432

Independent Office of Audits and Investigations

  • Chief Deputy Inspector General
    • Ensures efficient and effective use of public dollars spent on transportation projects by overseeing audits and investigations to ensure the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and external entities that receive state and federal transportation funds are spending those funds efficiently, effectively, economically, and in compliance with applicable law.
    • Salary Range: $166,968 – $185,964

High-Speed Rail Authority

  • Chief Financial Officer
    • Advises the Authority’s Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer, and the executive management team on all financial matters and policies concerning the operation and administration of the Authority.
    • Salary Range: $202,368 – $271,740

Environment/Climate/Natural Resources:

California Environmental Protection Agency

  • Assistant General Counsel for Enforcement
    • Provides legal counsel to the agency and plans, organizes and coordinates CalEPA enforcement efforts to provide aggressive, consistent, and predictable enforcement across all environmental programs
    • Salary Range: $155,760 – $173,484

Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA)

  • Chief Counsel
    • Responsible for the legal program of OEHHA, and serves as a member of the Executive staff with the responsibility to advise the Director; develop and implement interpretations and positions concerning the legal activities of the Office; to coordinate, review and analyze the legal and policy adequacy of legislative proposals affecting the Department and all rules and regulations proposed by the Office; and to serve as the Director’s legal representative before other public agencies and the Legislature
    • Salary Range: $172,068 – $191,688

California Department of Fish and Wildlife

  • Chief Deputy Director, Office of Oil Spill Prevention and Response
    • Leads the state in performing the duties described in the Lempert-Keene Seastrand Oil Spill Prevention and Response Act, including oil spill prevention, preparedness, emergency oil spill response, oil spill mitigation for resources and public health protection, and resource rehabilitation and restoration
    • Salary Range: $155,760 – $173,484
  • Deputy Director of Communications
    • Responsible for developing, organizing and implementing communications programs for the Department
    • Salary Range: $121,596 – $142,236

California Department of Parks and Recreation

  • Deputy Director of Public Affairs and Communications
    • Leads the department in establishing the State Parks Branding Initiative, increasing awareness of the department generally, developing and placing positive media pieces using third-party advocates, develop marketing plans for targeted use to different demographics in the state, and outreach to non-traditional park users
    • Salary Range: $121,596 – $142,236

Department of Toxic Substance Control

  • Deputy Director, Safer Products and Workplaces Program
    • Serves as the executive leader for the California Safer Consumer Products (SCP) Program to advance the design, development, and use of products that are chemically safer for people and the environment. The Deputy Director is responsible for the overall strategy, policy direction, planning, organizing, coordination, and implementation of SCP
    • Salary Range: $170,400 – $189,864
  • Chief Investigator, Office of Criminal Investigations
    • Responsible for ensuring development, administration and enforcement of department-wide policies, laws and regulations related to the protection of public health and the environment as well as statewide policy changes.
    • Salary Range: $162,888 – $181,428
  • Deputy Director, Site Mitigation and Restoration Program
    • Protects public health and the environment by overseeing the cleanup and remediation of commercial property, military bases, and proposed or expanding school sites previously contaminated by hazardous waste products
    • Salary Range: $181,656 – $202,368

Regional Water Quality Control Board

  • There are nine regional boards, any interested candidates please contact Morgan Carvajal ( for more information about the region you may qualify for
  • To be eligible, not more than 10% of a person’s joint income can come from an entity which has been issued a discharge permit by the Board
  • $250 per diem

Boating and Waterways Commission

  • Private Marina Owner Slot
    • Must be an owner or operator of a private small boat harbor
    • $100 per diem

San Joaquin River Conservancy Board

  • One youth member from lists submitted by either of the following:
    • Youth serving nonprofit organizations that a presence within Fresno County or Madera County
    • Institutions of higher education within Fresno County or Madera County
    • The youth member shall be a resident of Fresno County or Madera County and 18 to 26 years of age, inclusive, and shall not be an elected official 
  • One member of the California Native American tribe from a list of candidates submitted by local tribal organizations.

Government Operations:

Department of Human Resources

  • Senior Labor Relations Officer
    • Functions as the chief negotiator for two or more bargaining units, including negotiating statewide collective bargaining agreements on behalf of the Governor, and is responsible for implementing and administering the negotiated agreements
    • Salary Range: $121,728 – $142,068

Department of General Services

  • State Printer
    • Oversees the operation of the Office of State Publishing (OSP). The OSP provides innovative printing, communication and document management solutions through specialized knowledge, statewide perspective and coordinated public and private partnerships
    • Salary Range: $136,200 – $161,196

Health & Human Services:

Department of Developmental Services

  • Chief Equity Officer, Service Access and Equity
    • Formulates, develops, and implements policies and procedures to support systematic improvements in the delivery of culturally and linguistically responsive services and community engagement in California’s developmental services system
    • Salary Range: $147,132 – $163,944

Department of Public Health

  • California State Dental Director
    • Leads the development and implementation of oral health initiatives, development and management of oral health programs in collaboration with internal and external partners including other State Agencies and the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) Medicaid dental program, oversight of the analysis and publication of oral health information and communication with the public
    • Salary: $190,908

Department of Social Services

  • Director, Office of Tribal Affairs
    • Advises and assists the Directorate in the formulation, implementation, coordination, administration and evaluation of Departmental programs and policies affecting tribes and other Native Americans; and serve as the liaison between CDSS and various tribal organizations, counties, the County Welfare Directors Association of California (CWDA), and other public entities statewide on such programs and policies.
    • Salary Range: $115,932 – $129,144

Department of State Hospitals

  • Medical Director, Metropolitan State Hospital
    • Functions as the primary physician leader of the hospital and has responsibility for development of standards, policies, and procedures for clinical practice in the hospital; provides direction and coordination of diagnostic, and evaluative activities, treatment programs, and care of patients; and implementation of Federal and State laws and regulations, and Department of State Hospitals policies, and directives which pertain to the clinical functions of the hospital.
    • Salary Range: $331,080 – $410,748

Public Safety/Emergency Services:

Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (CalOES)

  • Deputy Director, Response Operations
    • The Deputy Director has direct management responsibilities for the response Operations programs and activities. These emergency management responsibilities include three Administrative Regions and six Mutual Aid Regions: Fire & Rescue, Law Enforcement, the State Operations Center, Regional Emergency Operation Centers and the California State Warning Center.
    • Salary Range: $162,888 – $181,428
  • Assistant Director, Legislation and Governmental Affairs
    • The Assistant Director strengthens public safety and emergency preparedness through collaboration with stakeholders to develop, manage and implement CalOES’s legislative, public safety policy, tribal affairs, international affairs and executive programs.
    • Salary Range: $127,500 – $142,008

Public Works Contract Arbitration Committee

  • Public Member
    • Must have at least ten (10) years of experience with a general contracting firm that has engaged on public works construction in California
    • The Committee establishes standards and qualifications for the certification of arbitrators for participation in the Public Works Contract Arbitration Program under the Department of General Services and the Office of Administrative Hearings.
    • There is no compensation.

Veterans Affairs:

California Department of Veterans Affairs 

  • Deputy Secretary for Women Veterans 
    • The Deputy Secretary for Women Veterans is responsible for recommending policy direction for women veterans’ issues, providing outreach and support service for women veterans’ issues, connecting with the federal, state and local agencies and preparing and implementing an annual plan for addressing women’s issues. 
    • Salary Range: $150,348 – $167,460 
  • Administrator, Veterans Home of California, Yountville 
    • The Administrator has overall responsibility for the care of aged and/or disabled wartime veterans and the management of the facility and staff. Responsibilities include: to direct the planning, implementation, modification or termination of all projects and services; supervise the administration of all medical and non-medical service units; coordinate the development of the Agency’s annual budget relating to the Home; represent the Veterans Home and its services and programs through contacts with private and public organizations; ensure that the Home meets all licensing and certification standards; and review and make recommendations regarding proposed legislation that affects the care of aged and/or disabled wartime veterans whom the Veterans Home serves. 
    • Salary Range: $170,400 – $189,864 

Fair Boards

  • There are opportunities to serve on nearly all the District Agricultural Association fair boards across the state. The Governor’s Office is continuously filling vacancies. Please contact the fair in your district/county to learn about opportunities.