Switched to Python3 - Non Meaningful / No Detail Errors in Logging? How to see the full logs?

This is not Python3 related, back when I last used the Logs Explorer, I could see the actual logs and error messages, but now I can't see anything meaningful in there for any error or request?

This is the only thing I can see in the error:

textPayload"Traceback (most recent call last): File "/layers/google.python.pip/pip/lib/python3.12/site-packages/flask/app.py", line 1463, in wsgi_app response = self.full_dispatch_request()"

So sad what App Engine has been reduced to, from a legendary platform as a service to this joke as a service

0 6 727

I still don't understand why the UI don't show this information, but at least:

gcloud app logs tail

Seems to pull the logs to be viewed as errors happen

Hi @Kaan , I haven't seen an issue like that, but I'm still using Python 3.9 and I wonder if it's related to Python 3.12 getting supported so recently.

I agree with you that, at the time,  App Engine was a big step up from what other platforms were offering to build web apps. It was great to have so much functionality already built-in in the engine and it feels like it's been going down from there. Just so you know, I put a request to try and get some of that functionality working for Python 3 "natively" in GAE. Here's the link if you wanted to add your vote to the cause 🙂


Yeah, honestly they could've just 2to3(in spirit) everything in 2018 and rock on, it's just been a sad 6+ years - I've +1'ed your issue

This turned out to be why I was getting 500 errors: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/322622693

Even with the cross compatibility flags I can't access my ndb.PickleProperty's - do you have any insight?

In the meantime I'll try python310 runtime

Edit: Logging issue was indeed python312 related but I can still not access my ndb.PickleProperty's 😞

Nope. I've never got around to migrate to ndb; I'm still using db and it's working great...fingers crossed.

Were you ever able to figure this out? I am having the same error and not sure what to do

The error itself is generic, as far as I remember, going back to a different Python version, I was able to see more information