CloudFunctions(CF) gen2 cannot delete. (Permission 'eventarc.triggers.delete' denied)

I was trying to deploy Cloud Functions gen2 using Terraform.The deployment was not successful, so I reviewed the settings and attempted to redeploy, but it still fails.

The error message from Terraform is as follows:


Error: Error waiting for Deleting function: Error code 7, message: Failed to delete trigger projects/xxxxx/locations/asia-northeast1/triggers/cost-alert-notification-991528: Permission 'eventarc.triggers.delete' denied on 'projects/xxxxx/locations/asia-northeast1/triggers/cost-alert-notification-991528'


The service account for Cloud Functions and the execution user have been granted the "roles/eventarc.admin" permission.

Here, I am trying to delete it using the gcloud CLI with an administrator account, but the same error message is displayed.


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