Cloud run internal grpc service returns resource exhausted


I am new to GCP and have created an App where an app engine frontend talks to a service running on cloud run over grpc. If I allow, cloud run service to accept requests from every where, the app works fine. However, if I make the cloud run service to be internal only (by setting the ingress control to internal), my app engine app fails with "RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED: Received message larger than max (1013478509 vs 4194304)" error.

Both my app engine and cloud run instances are using the same vpc serverless connector for their egress traffic.  

Based on information here, I have enabled the "Private Google Access" on the subnet associated with the region where all my services are running. However, that didn't help. Though it is not clear to me if the serverless connector which I have created is associated with the same subnet or not and if not if there is any way to enable that also for the connector.


- anshul

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