Updated Availability & Pricing for AppSheet Enterprise

UPDATE (6/14/2024) - The automatic upgrade from AppSheet Enterprise Standard to AppSheet Enterprise Plus may be delayed a few days. Customers should see the updated license in the AppSheet header by the end of the week.

tl;dr // Starting on June 17th, AppSheet Enterprise Plus will be available for purchase through the Google Workspace Admin Console. AppSheet Enterprise Standard will be consolidated with Enterprise Plus, starting at $20 per user per month

What is changing?

AppSheet Enterprise Plus will be available to customers through the Google Workspace Admin Console. It will no longer be necessary to contact sales or a reseller to purchase AppSheet Enterprise Plus. To purchase the enterprise subscription, you must be a Google Workspace Administrator with a verified domain.

AppSheet Enterprise Standard will be consolidated into AppSheet Enterprise Plus and priced at $20 per user per month with an annual commitment. Detailed pricing for non-US currencies and monthly subscriptions will be available in the Google Workspace Admin Console upon launch. Over the next several months, AppSheet Enterprise Standard will be phased out of billing and reporting systems.

AppSheet Enterprise Plus includes all of the following:

  • Greater capacity with AppSheet databases - Experience significantly greater capacity when building apps with AppSheet databases.
  • Enterprise data - Connect with a wide variety of enterprise data sources, including Google BigQuery, Google Cloud SQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and Salesforce; Apigee-managed data sources; external services via REST APIs; and other SaaS providers.
  • Broad authentication options - Control access to your apps using authentication providers like Active Directory, AWS Cognito, Okta, and Open ID Connect.
  • Powerful management tools - Access tools for app lifecycle management, error reporting, and team activity tracking.
  • Advanced monitoring -  Track app owners, details, data sources, and overall usage patterns across your team.
  • Team governance - Centrally manage app creators, define the type of apps they are allowed to create, control their use of specific features or data sources, and more.

What do I need to do and when?

No action is required on your part. If you are an AppSheet Enterprise Standard customer, on June 17, 2024 your users and admins will be automatically granted the privileges of AppSheet Enterprise Plus. Note that you will continue to see AppSheet Enterprise Standard licenses in the Google Workspace Admin Console until your renewal, but your users and admins will experience the upgraded functionality upon sign in to AppSheet. 

If you are interested in purchasing AppSheet Enterprise Plus and already subscribe to Google Workspace, please contact your Google Workspace Administrator. If you do not already subscribe to Google Workspace, you can create a free admin account using Cloud Identity Free and then purchase AppSheet Enterprise Plus through the Google Workspace Admin Console after you have verified ownership of your domain.

What’s next?

AppSheet admins will get some enhanced capabilities, including the following:

  • Improved license management: Admins will be able to view license consumption alongside detailed usage reports in a new admin management UI
  • External user licensing: Admins will be able to purchase licenses for their external users without a seller or reseller
  • Self-serve provisioning: Admins with non-Workspace users can opt-in to the team provisioning model without contacting support

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is AppSheet Enterprise Standard going away?

  • The new pricing allows enterprise customers to enjoy a clearly differentiated experience from AppSheet Core at a more competitive price.

If I am an AppSheet Enterprise Standard customer, how do I verify my upgrade to AppSheet Enterprise Plus?

  • AppSheet Enterprise Standard customers will be upgraded automatically on June 17, 2024. Admins and users can confirm they have been upgraded in two ways after signing in to AppSheet.
A. Sign in and select the header B. Navigate to My Account
Screenshot 2024-05-21 at 4.33.34 PM.png Screenshot 2024-05-21 at 4.34.24 PM.png
  • Note, the purchased licenses in the Google Workspace Admin console will still display AppSheet Enterprise Standard until renewal.

Screenshot 2024-05-22 at 9.29.00 AM.png

Can I sign up for AppSheet Enterprise Plus if I do not have a Workspace Account?

What will happen to external user licenses? How can I purchase external user licenses?

  • New and existing AppSheet Enterprise Standard External User licenses will also be upgraded to AppSheet Enterprise Plus External User. AppSheet Enterprise Standard External User licenses will be phased out of the next several months.
  • Currently, external user licenses are only available for purchase from Workspace offline from a seller or reseller. In the next several months, we will introduce an external user license that can be purchased online from the Google Workspace Admin Console.
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@alafontant wrote:

Can I sign up for AppSheet Enterprise Plus if I do not have a Workspace Account?


Thanks much!!

Flood gates are open!!! 


Let the innovations begin! (^_^)


Thanks to the team for making this happen; this will reduce so much friction and allow companies of all sizes, and individuals now, access the best AppSheet has to offer.

Hi @alafontant 

Great update.🤩
It will open up the potential of AppSheet to a wider audience.

On a minor note, will the plan name remain AppSheet Enterprise Plus?

It seems like the plans would be easier for end users to understand if they were aligned as Starter, Core, and Enterprise. 


It also avoids confusion as to what your plan is in the App editor.
If the name Enterprise Plus is retained, there could be confusion as to whether "my plan is Enterprise or Enterprise Plus?🤔"


So this place is going to be Enterprise Plus.
I was mistaken.🙏

Finally we get to peek behind the Enterprise curtain! 🙂 Thank you!

Well that didn't last long!Screenshot 2024-06-06 07.36.14.png

AppSheet Enterprise Plus will be available for purchase on June 17th.

Thanks for the heads-up. Will check in then. Cheers

Thanks a lot Appsheet team!!

@alafontant wrote:


  • Greater capacity with AppSheet databases - Experience significantly greater capacity when building apps with AppSheet databases.
  • Enterprise data - Connect with a wide variety of enterprise data sources, including Google BigQuery, Google Cloud SQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and Salesforce; Apigee-managed data sources; external services via REST APIs; and other SaaS providers.
  • Broad authentication options - Control access to your apps using authentication providers like Active Directory, AWS Cognito, Okta, and Open ID Connect.
  • Powerful management tools - Access tools for app lifecycle management, error reporting, and team activity tracking.
  • Advanced monitoring -  Track app owners, details, data sources, and overall usage patterns across your team.
  • Team governance - Centrally manage app creators, define the type of apps they are allowed to create, control their use of specific features or data sources, and more.


If AppSheet could include iframe support in the Enterprise plan, it would greatly enhance our ability to manage our organization and projects in one place.

Here's an example of how we embed an AppSheet app within a ClickUp view, showcasing its potential.

Screen Recording 2024-06-06 at 17.00.24.gif




@Rifad Interesting!

@Joseph_Seddik wrote:


It's quite interesting. APIs could be leveraged to trigger notifications in ClickUp for multiple users, enhancing collaboration and real-time updates between operations and project management. Essentially, we seek an optimal solution to integrate an operations app (currently AppSheet), a project management app, and a communication channel (Slack) into a unified platform. However, CORS restrictions currently maintain separation among these three solutions.

I have always wondered about the enterprise plans for fasting syncing/more concurrent calculations in the background, but you do not list that as a benefit above.  Does this no longer apply?

Thats a good question! @ghost5 

You are correct - there is no syncing or concurrency difference in the enterprise plan at this time.

Apologies, let me provide deeper context.

There ARE some differences in threading between the plans. As @MultiTech suggested, customers with an enterprise plan have access to 10 read threads, whereas customer that purchased through appsheet.com can use, at most, 3 threads. The threads refer to the number of tables AppSheet can read in parallel. Please understand this is not the same as a commitment to better sync performance because much will depend on the construction of the app. For example, an app with 1 very large table will not benefit from additional multi-threading, however, if the app has many tables of similar sizes then having more threads could make it sync faster in theory.

The most likely sync performance improvements will come from upgrading from a spreadsheet / Google Sheets to a cloud database or AppSheet databases. In general, concurrency and sync performance is governed by the scalability of the data source used in the app. Using a cloud database, OData, BigQuery, or Apigee connected data sources requires an enterprise license. More information on the performance difference between data sources can be found here.

@alafontant wrote:

having more threads could make it sync faster in theory.

I can attest to this, 100%.  Had a client make a switch over to enterprise, and their app went from taking on average 30 seconds to load to 10 - with no modifications other than the license change and the degree of parallelism increasing.

Thank you for the clarification @alafontant ! These are exciting times!

Just to add to this,  when tables are implemented with Security Filters, Sync times, when using a database as the datasource, can be TREMENDOUSLY improved because the Security Filter COULD be applied at the database side.  This does highly depend on the AppSheet side implementation of the Security Filters and the database platform capabilities.

For example, I found that the AppSheet IN() function did not directly translate into the Big Query select statement.  But I was able to add additional columns and modify the Security Filter logic so the same filtering logic was applied.

Additionally, I could only do this analysis because Big Query has a feature that actually shows the submitted queries which I could use to tweak the AppSheet Security Filters for best performance.  Not all database platforms provide such tools.


@alafontant wrote:

AppSheet Enterprise Standard will be consolidated into AppSheet Enterprise Plus and priced at $20 per user per month with an annual commitment

Is there a minimum for the number of users, as it was before?

There will be no minimum on the number of users to purchase AppSheet Enterprise Plus.

@alafontant wrote:

You are correct - there is no syncing or concurrency difference in the enterprise plan at this time.

Is it something planned in the future?

@alafontant wrote:

You are correct - there is no syncing or concurrency difference in the enterprise plan at this time.

@alafontant are you saying that the enterprise account won't have a degree of parallelism of 10?

What will it be then?

  • 4 like core?

This is going to be a bummer for sure, given the fact that it's double the cost of Core

I'm anxiously waiting for that answer as well, since I advocate Enterprise as well for its improved sync performance. 

Thanks @alafontant for the link; very informative. 

In addition to this explication, I understand that all new Enterprise plans contracted through the new process would have only 3 threads, while existing plans would continue to have 10. I'd like to know more about the reasons for such 70% reduction please and what are Google plans moving forward? Did you for example see that the difference in performance is negligible and you decided to reduce the number of threads for backend scalability concerns? or are you planning to offer other pricing plans for more threads for example? 

I'd much appreciate your answer to these questions. Thanks in advance. 

I think there was a misunderstanding. New and existing enterprise customers will have access to 10 threads. There is no reduction for new enterprise plans. Customers that purchase their subscription directly from appsheet.com (Starter, Core, Publisher Pro) will continue to experience 1-3 threads.

Thanks much @alafontant for the clarification and for the detailed explanations. 

Thanks for confirming. I'd like to raise an issue we're currently experiencing in another region. Despite having a degree of parallelism set to 10, we would not see any clear benefits for the amount we're paying you.

The problem lies with the UK servers of AppSheet, which are performing 3X slower than the Asian servers. I've had an open ticket with AppSheet for 298 days now, dating back to August 20, 2023. Have a look at sync durations below:

Screenshot 2024-05-20 at 17.14.45.pngScreenshot 2024-05-20 at 17.15.33.png

In the scenario described above, there's a noticeable similarity in time I tested. I conducted a test from the UK using the same laptop and browser, then flew to India. Five days later, I used the same laptop and browser, and the synchronization duration was too different. It's quite absurd that AppSheet has not addressed this issue even after 10 months.

Even if we propose transitioning to an enterprise setup with a degree of parallelism set to 10, will it truly benefit my client? It's truly unbelievable to us how Google is disregarding such a significant problem. We're all questioning why we opted for Google in the past few months, given the numerous unresolved issues affecting our business clients.


I am very interested in understanding this as well. We are seeing (and getting reports) of synchronization differences between the US and UK. UK taking four or five times longer for the same functions.


Yeah, they're quiet everywhere I post in this community, and support keeps sending me the same copy-paste messages for nearly 10 months. @JMPeterson 

@Rifad wrote:

CORS restrictions

😫 ugh  - bane of my existence right now. lol

@MultiTech wrote:
@Rifad wrote:

CORS restrictions

😫 ugh  - bane of my existence right now. lol

And thus I'm undergoing self-torturing soul searching in Apigee.. 


@alafontant wrote:

Can I sign up for AppSheet Enterprise Plus if I do not have a Workspace Account?

I'm very interested in these steps. My client is desperately needing the extra threads, but the app runs currently on a non-workspace account. The app is very elaborate with large folders in google drive, with lots of appsscripts running and with Looker Studio dashboards connected. Changing owner is not the solution because of the default file folder path for appsheet.

Could anyone explain in simple terms how this would work? Is this like adding a non-workspace account into an existing workspace, so you can add the enterprise license to it?

And after I have added Enterprise to the gmail account of the app owner, all the users will experience the benefits? Or do I have to add Enterprise to their emails somehow as well?

Could there be some info about the new "flex" option in the OP @alafontant ?

When will this feature finally be available?