Scott Hanson has been working on the connection between PP and HTTPS, via the remarkably simple Caddy server. #; The docs are here. #.
Sounds like what pundits say about Chatgpt in 2023.#. I was pulling my hair out trying to figure out why Caddy wasn't working with Drummer's websocket code.
Nov 14, 2021Scott Hanson has been working on running PagePark behind Caddy, which makes it possible for all your sites to be accessible via HTTPS.
Nov 12, 2021Scott Hanson has been working on getting PagePark HTTPS-capable using an app called Caddy, which I did not previously know about.
Sep 15, 2023... Caddy, so the sites hosted on these machines are HTTPS not HTTP. Caddy is the best. You install it, configure it and that's it. It takes�...
...;&gt;Use Caddy to map HTTPS to PagePark&lt;/a&gt; " created="Thu, 02 Feb 2023 13:25:24 GMT"/> <outline text="I'll also note this in the�...
Jun 30, 2024Another example. Something seemed screwed up in Caddy, a wonderful product, makes it super easy to support HTTPS. But the docs were written�...
Jun 30, 2024Another example. Something was screwed up in Caddy, a wonderful product, makes it super easy to support HTTPS. But the docs were written by�...
Jun 30, 2024Another example. Something seemed screwed up in Caddy, a wonderful product, makes it super easy to support HTTPS. But the docs were written�...
Dec 30, 2023... Caddy installed, and therefore supports HTTPS. I am able to see the domain on my local machines, but not on my phone, and I'm getting�...