Some 20% of Israeli Jews do not believe in a deity, and some 15% claim to observe no religious practices. Israeli Arab society is much more religious, with any degree of secularity barely acknowledged.
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Apr 14, 2015Only 30% of Israelis say they are religious, survey finds; Thailand is most religious country in the world and China is the least.
Oct 5, 2023The country is home to about 7 million Jews, almost half of the global Jewish population. But Jewish identity is a complex blend of religious�...
Jul 7, 2020The main religious affiliations in both groups were Judaism (Atheist 58.5%, SBNR 70.5%) or no religious affiliation (Atheist 40.7%, SBNR 27.7%).
Religion in Israel � Judaism–Hiloni (33.1%) � Judaism–Masorti (24.3%) � Judaism–Dati (8.8%) � Judaism–Haredi (7.3%) � Islam (18.1%) � Christianity (1.9%) � Druze (1.6�...
Mar 8, 2016Half of Israeli Jews (50%) say they believe in God with absolute certainty. As with other standard measures of religious observance, belief in�...
Mar 8, 2016Virtually all Jews in Israel identify with one of four major religious subgroups: Hiloni (“secular”), Masorti (“traditional”), Dati (“religious”)�...
May 13, 2023The percentage of Arab/Palestinian employees in the public sector was 13.9 percent (65 percent of which were at entry- and mid- level),�...