City of Mobile v. Bolden from
"A Twentieth Century Fund study."Includes indexes. Bibliography: p. [257]-302. 'Thernstrom maneuvers successfully between the civil rights ideology and the requirements of democratic politics.
City of Mobile v. Bolden from
... Mobile's educational programs and then report findings on racial equity . If both sides could not reach agreement after the team presented its findings , the court would take up the case once more.36 City of Mobile v . Bolden On April�...
City of Mobile v. Bolden from
... City of Mobile v . Bolden the Supreme Court had held that minority plaintiffs had to prove intent to discriminate on the basis of race if they were successfully to challenge discriminatory voting practices under the Constitution or�...
City of Mobile v. Bolden from
... city could “register and vote without hindrance” [Mobile v. Bolden]. Under such circumstances, according to the Court, the discovery of constitutional violations, by the trial and appellate courts, was in error. Stewart also rejected�...
City of Mobile v. Bolden from
... v. Boockvar, 592 U.S. ___, 141 S.Ct. 643 (2020) (denying motion to expedite consideration of the matter before the ... City of Richmond v. U.S., 429 U.S. 358 (1975) (joining dissent of Brennan); Dunn v. Blumstein, 405 U.S. 330�...
City of Mobile v. Bolden from
... City of Mobile v . Bolden ; Have the White Suburbs Commandeered the Fifteenth Amendment ?, 34 HASTINGS L.J. 1 , 4 ( 1982 ) . 34. Chapman v . Meier , 420 U.S. 1 , 19 ( 1975 ) ( invalidating a court - ordered plan despite absence of�...
City of Mobile v. Bolden from
... City of Mobile v . Bolden : Have the White Suburbs Commandeered the Fifteenth Amendment ? " Hastings Law Journal 34 ( 1982 ) , 1 . 12. Blackshear and Menefee , “ From Reynolds v . Sims to City of Mo- bile , " 1 . 13. See Kilgarlin v�...
City of Mobile v. Bolden from
... Mobile , Alabama city commission case2 was criticized by professors and policymakers . Indeed , the last step was so controversial that Congress overturned the Court's City of Mobile v . Bolden decision in the major Unless otherwise�...
City of Mobile v. Bolden from
... ( City of Mobile v . Bolden [ 1980 ] , 63-64 , 70 , 74-76 , italics in original ) . The difficulty with Stewart's opinion was not that it embraced a direct or subjective intent criterion but that , as Justice White pointed out in dissent�...
City of Mobile v. Bolden from
... City of Mobile v . Bolden , 1 however , five justices concluded that the Zimmer criteria per se were insufficient to establish a constitutional violation . Speaking for himself , Chief Justice Burger , and Justices Powell and Rehnquist�...