The Inspection Panel is an independent complaints mechanism for people and communities who believe that they have been, or are likely to be, adversely affected�...

The World Bank Inspection Panel

(629) Non-profit organization in Washington, D.C.
Address: MSN MC10-1007, 1818 H St NW, Washington, DC 20433
Hours: Closed ⋅ Opens 9 AM
Phone: (202) 458-5200
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Through its process, the Panel assesses whether the Bank has complied with its internal policies and procedures designed to safeguard people and the environment�...
The Inspection Panel is an independent accountability mechanism (IAM) for people and communities who believe that they have been, or are likely to be,�...
The Panel determines whether the Bank is complying with its own policies and procedures, which are designed to ensure that Bank-financed operations provide�...
The World Bank Inspection Panel is an independent complaints mechanism for people who believe they have been or will be adversely affected by the World Bank�...
The Inspection Panel members elect the Chairperson from amongst themselves. Overview about the World Bank Group. The World Bank Group consists of five�...
In 1993, the World Bank created the Inspection Panel, the first accountability mechanism housed at a multilateral development bank. The Inspection Panel�...