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The Textbook of Clinical Sexual Medicine from
... Sexual Response, a medical textbook for professionals. in l%6, Dr. William H ... clinical treatment and behavior studies. Now. in The Pleasure Bond, Masters and Johnson, as scientists in mufti, are writing of warmth, feelings, emotions. As�...
The Textbook of Clinical Sexual Medicine from
... sexual performance has been applied lo 443 men and 342 women with a very high degree of tupcess, it was revealed lost week. The disclosure was made in A new medical textbook ... medicine. Their expenses — for transportation and for baby-�...
The Textbook of Clinical Sexual Medicine from
... medical textbook, "Human Sexual Inadequacy" by Dr. William H. Masters and Virginia E. Johnson (Little, Brown and Company, $-2.50). The,y are the experimental scientists who in 1965 caused considerable stir with their . first sexuality�...
The Textbook of Clinical Sexual Medicine from
... sexual disorders that trouble as many as half of all marriages was published in Boston today. The medical textbook ... clinical professor of obstretrics and gynecology. Washington University school of medicine ... sexual inadequacy among�...
The Textbook of Clinical Sexual Medicine from
... treatment of sexual inadequacy. Also in medicine: A prophylactic vaccine against Rh sensi- tization showed virtually total protection in more than 300 women. A mumps vaccine proved nearly 100 per cent effective in clinical tests. In�...
The Textbook of Clinical Sexual Medicine from
... sexual stereotypes. The textbooks' assertion that women have been shortchanged medical research is unsupported evidence and refuted by facts, such as: Women are 60 percent of nil subjects in National Institutes of Health-funded clinical�...
The Textbook of Clinical Sexual Medicine from
... sexual function — an unfortunate side-effect that patients don't always ... clinical pharmacy specialist at the Veterans Administration Medical Center. in ... a textbook on pharmacology. Serotonin stabilizes mood. It works to calm�...
The Textbook of Clinical Sexual Medicine from
... sexual stereotypes. The textbooks' assertion that women have been shortchanged in medical research is unsupported by evidence and refuted by facts, such as: Women are 60 percent of all subjects in National Institutes of Health-funded�...
The Textbook of Clinical Sexual Medicine from
... sexual stereotypes. The textbooks' assertion that women have been shortchanged in medical research Is unsupported by evidence and refuted by facts, such as: Women are 60 mccent of all i subjects .in National, Institutes of Healthr�...
The Textbook of Clinical Sexual Medicine from
... sexual stereotypes. The textbooks' assertion that women have been shortchanged in medical research is unsupported by evidence and refuted by facts, such us: Women are 60 percent of all subjects in National Institutes of Health-funded�...