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Cultural Differences and the Practice of Sexual Medicine: A Guide for Sexual Health Practitioners from
... Health , Physical , and Conservation Education . Conceptual guidelines for school health programs in Pennsylvania ; a program continuum for total school health . [ Harrisburg ] 1970. 203 p . 04NLM : WA 350 P4153c 1970 Cit . No. 1267623�...
Cultural Differences and the Practice of Sexual Medicine: A Guide for Sexual Health Practitioners from
... sexual assault by Trace Porteous and Cheryl Alexander ; edited by Flora MacLeod . -- [ Vancouver ] Justice Institute ... practitioners / edited by Nancy Boyd Webb ; foreword by Howard J. Parad . -- New York : Guilford Press , c1991�...
Cultural Differences and the Practice of Sexual Medicine: A Guide for Sexual Health Practitioners from
... MEDICAL Loose lips sink ships . Carmichael SW , et al . Acad Med . 2004 Oct ; 79 ( 10 ) : 1002 . Teaching sex education improves medical students ' confidence in dealing with sexual health issues . Faulder GS , et al . Contracep- tion�...
Cultural Differences and the Practice of Sexual Medicine: A Guide for Sexual Health Practitioners from
... Sexual health and the practice nurse : a survey of reported practice and attitudes . Stokes T , et al . Br J Fam ... PRACTITIONERS Hand contamination with hepatitis C virus in staff looking after hepatitis C - positive hemodialysis�...
Cultural Differences and the Practice of Sexual Medicine: A Guide for Sexual Health Practitioners from
... sexual acting out . The module stresses the clinician's need to assess both physical and behavioral symptoms of ... Medicine at Cook County Hospital in Chicago . Intended to be used to train primary care providers , the HIV - AIDS�...
Cultural Differences and the Practice of Sexual Medicine: A Guide for Sexual Health Practitioners from
... professional development for using a bib- liotherapeutic approach is required - collaboration with the librarian will ensure awareness of and sen- sitivity to literature that contains sexual abuse , strong language , or sex . Strategies�...
Cultural Differences and the Practice of Sexual Medicine: A Guide for Sexual Health Practitioners from
... sexual acting out . The module stresses the clinician's need to assess both physical and behavioral symptoms of ... Medicine at Cook County Hospital in Chicago . Intended to be used to train primary care providers , the HIV - AIDS�...
Cultural Differences and the Practice of Sexual Medicine: A Guide for Sexual Health Practitioners from
... sexual assault or stalking ; and " ( D ) document how prevention programs are coordinated with service programs in ... HEALTH CARE SYSTEM'S RESPONSE TO DOMES- TIC VIOLENCE , DATING VIOLENCE , SEX- UAL ASSAULT , AND STALKING SEC�...
Cultural Differences and the Practice of Sexual Medicine: A Guide for Sexual Health Practitioners from
... Health Organization . In the type I pattern , found in the United States , Europe , and Australia , transmission is primarily through injection drug use and homosexual sex ; in pattern II coun- tries , as in most African and Caribbean�...
Cultural Differences and the Practice of Sexual Medicine: A Guide for Sexual Health Practitioners from
... health , nutrition and human behavior , held in Washington , D. C. , May , 1978. Duration : 87 min . Recorded on ... guide . ( Physical examination of the school age child ) Includes pre - test and post - test . Sound accompaniment�...