Autistic women were judged more favourably than autistic men, however, both autistic women and men were rated less positively than non-autistic people, with large differences between judgements of autistic females in comparison to non-autistic females.
Prior research has shown that less favourable first impressions are formed of autistic adults by non-autistic observers. Autistic females may present�...
Aug 9, 2019We found that non-autistic people formed more negative first impressions of autistic people, and this was influenced by gender of the person�...
Thus far, research has indicated that first impressions formed of autistic adults (irrespective of gender) are worse than the impressions formed of non-autistic�...
Aug 9, 2019These findings imply that the differences were greater between first impressions of autistic females in comparison to non-autistic females than�...
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First impressions of autistic adults in the video modality were less favourable overall than in the text modality, and autistic females were also rated less�...
Yes, the paper states that non-autistic observers formed less favorable first impressions of autistic adults, both males and females, compared to non-autistic�...
Cage, E., & Burton, H. (2019). Gender Differences in the First Impressions of Autistic Adults. Autism research : official journal of the International�...
Aug 3, 2021Consistent with the FPT, autistic females tend to make better first impressions than autistic males. This was first demonstrated by Cage and�...
Limitations: This study cannot speak to the ways in which first impressions may differ for younger children, adults, or individuals who are not verbally fluent;�...
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