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With infographics, profiles of women politicians, and wisdom and advice from women in office, this is a must-own for any woman thinking of joining the pink wave.
MSJDN from
This collection of essays chronicles and evaluates the remarkable achievements she has made over the past half century.
MSJDN from
Although this book shares examples specific to military life, the information and approach can be used by anyone to pursue your life dreams. Ready to follow your dreams?
MSJDN from
Through this book, travel back in time and visit what Parole was then, experience some of what the people and the land lived through, and see what it is now.
MSJDN from
Includes section: Kentucky appellate decisions.
MSJDN from
"This manual defines and explains the legal standards applied in military law to determine whether a person was mentally responsible at the time of an offense and has the requisite mental capacity to be tried by court martial."--Introd.
MSJDN from
A comprehensive study of the post-deployment health-related needs associated with post-traumatic stress disorder, major depression, and traumatic brain injury among servicemembers returning from Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom ...