subject:"Science / Life Sciences / Biology" from
This indispensable reference work belongs in public and academic libraries throughout the world and on the shelf of every biologist who works with mammals.
subject:"Science / Life Sciences / Biology" from
"This is a highly significant--one might argue revolutionary--book.
subject:"Science / Life Sciences / Biology" from
This time around the cataclysm is us. In this book the author tells us why and how human beings have altered life on the planet in a way no species has before.
subject:"Science / Life Sciences / Biology" from
Striking a perfect balance, the Fifth Edition helps instructors convey exciting research in this rapidly evolving field while also motivating students to learn the fundamentals amid an overwhelming amount of information.
subject:"Science / Life Sciences / Biology" from
In Consilience (a word that originally meant "jumping together"), Edward O. Wilson renews the Enlightenment's search for a unified theory of knowledge in disciplines that range from physics to biology, the social sciences and the humanities ...
subject:"Science / Life Sciences / Biology" from
The first edition of Frans de Waal's Chimpanzee Politics was acclaimed not only by primatologists for its scientific achievement but also by politicians, business leaders, and social psychologists for its remarkable insights into the most ...
subject:"Science / Life Sciences / Biology" from
A century ago Darwin and Wallace explained how evolution could have happened in terms of processes known to take place today. This book describes how their theory has been confirmed, but at the same time "transformed", by recent research.
subject:"Science / Life Sciences / Biology" from
The innovative illustrated approach of this book transforms the science of paleontology into a thrilling visual experience, and it forms the perfect accompaniment to an extremely important branch of animal and fossil study.
subject:"Science / Life Sciences / Biology" from
"Graves' answers could revise the ways in which humans interact with one another."--"Choice." "A fine start for thinking about race at the dawn of the millennium."--"American Scientist."