Consciousness and Moral Status from
In this book Joshua Shepherd presents a systematic account of the value present within conscious experience.
Consciousness and Moral Status from
This volume explores our responses to these challenges and reflects on ordinary presuppositions and intuitions about moral status.
Consciousness and Moral Status from
This is a disparate set of connections, prompting a question: is there anything about consciousness these connections have in common? One might expect the answer to be no.
Consciousness and Moral Status from
This book distinguishes itself from much of the polemical literature on these issues by offering the most judicious and well-balanced account yet available of animals' moral standing, and related questions concerning their minds and welfare ...
Consciousness and Moral Status from
Whether a patient in the last stages of Alzheimer's disease is still a person, or whether a human embryo is already a person are highly contentious issues. This book tackles the issue of personhood and its moral implications head-on.
Consciousness and Moral Status from
Anthropocentrism and Its Discontents is the first-ever comprehensive examination of views of animals in the history of Western philosophy, from Homeric Greece to the twentieth century.
Consciousness and Moral Status from
Gary Steiner argues that ethologists and philosophers in the analytic and continental traditions have largely failed to advance an adequate explanation of animal behavior.
Consciousness and Moral Status from
"In the dissertation which follows, I delineate the basic philosophical presuppositions underlying his distinctive version of bioethics.
Consciousness and Moral Status from
The Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Consciousness provides the most comprehensive overview of current philosophical research on consciousness.
Consciousness and Moral Status from
Virtual reality is genuine reality; that’s the central thesis of Reality+. In a highly original work of “technophilosophy,” David J. Chalmers gives a compelling analysis of our technological future.