American League
American League EastWLGBL10
Red Sox53456.55-5
Blue Jays455415.05-5
The official standings for Major League Baseball including division and league standings for regular season, wild card, and playoffs.
Visit ESPN for the complete 2024 MLB season standings. Includes league, conference and division standings for regular season and playoffs.
The official standings for Major League Baseball including division and league standings for regular season, wild card, and playoffs.
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Get the latest MLB Baseball standings from across the league. Follow your favorite team through the 2024 season. 2024 team records, home and away records,�...
Visit ESPN for the complete 2024 MLB season Wild Card standings. Includes winning percentage, home and away record, and current streak.
MLB Standings. Division. Wild Card. League. American League. AL EAST. WIN. LOSS. GB ... L1. 5-5. 24-26. 15-36. National League. NL EAST. WIN. LOSS. GB. STRK. L10.
MLB DIVISION STANDINGS ; 1. Baltimore Orioles Orioles. 60-39 ; 2. New York Yankees Yankees. 59-42 ; 3. Boston Red Sox Red Sox. 53-45 ; 4. Tampa Bay Rays Rays. 50-49.
Visit for the latest MLB standings, wild card standings, and MLB playoff picture.