2022 Reading Challenge
Participants 6,758,240
Books Pledged 334,764,390
Avg. Books Pledged 49
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
Teodora has read 53 of 45 books in 2022.
  • Din cer au căzut trei mere by Narine Abgaryan
  • Vincent și Theo. Frații van Gogh by Deborah Heiligman
  • Dial A for Aunties by Jesse Q. Sutanto
  • The Kingdom by Jess Rothenberg
  • The Chestnut Man by Søren Sveistrup
  • The Midnight Library by Matt Haig
  • Well Matched by Jen DeLuca
  • She and Her Cat by Makoto Shinkai
  • Viața secretă a cadavrelor by Mary Roach
  • The Bronzed Beasts by Roshani Chokshi
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message 1: by Reading_ (new)

Reading_ Tamishly Congratulations 🎉 the

message 2: by Teodora (new)

 Teodora Reading_ wrote: "Congratulations 🎉 the"

Thank youuu

Magical_Bookworm Congratulations

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