2022 Reading Challenge
Participants 6,758,248
Books Pledged 334,764,390
Avg. Books Pledged 49
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
PamG has read 152 of 150 books in 2022.
  • Tails, You Lose by Carol J. Perry
  • Back in a Spell by Lana Harper
  • Recovery Road by Christine Feehan
  • The House in the Pines by Ana  Reyes
  • A Noble Cunning by Patricia Bernstein
  • The Devil's Bidding by P.L. Doss
  • Wicked Dreams by Lisa Jackson
  • The Wolf is Mine by Paige Tyler
  • All the Dark Places by Terri Parlato
  • Cleopatra's Vendetta by Avanti Centrae
Comments Showing 1-50 of 93 (93 new)    post a comment »

Britta (laptop down, will try to catch up when fixed) Good luck with your challenge, Pam! Hope you'll have a great reading year. 😊

message 2: by PamG (new)

PamG Britta wrote: "Good luck with your challenge, Pam! Hope you'll have a great reading year. 😊"

Thanks, Britta.

message 3: by Gloria (new)

Gloria Happy reading, Pam!

message 4: by Andrea (new)

Andrea Good luck.

message 5: by Melike (new)

Melike Happy reading!

Miya (severe pain struggles, slower at the moment) Happy new year of reading!

message 7: by PamG (new)

PamG Gloria wrote: "Happy reading, Pam!"

Thanks Gloria!

message 8: by PamG (new)

PamG Andrea wrote: "Good luck."

Thanks, Andrea!

message 9: by PamG (new)

PamG Melike wrote: "Happy reading!"

Thanks, Melike.

message 10: by PamG (new)

PamG Miya wrote: "Happy new year of reading!"

Thanks, Miya!

message 11: by Zain (new)

Zain Good luck with reaching your goal in 2022! 👍🏽😎

message 12: by Shirley (new)

Shirley Chapel Have a fun reading year Pam!

message 13: by Maroua (new)

Maroua Zaatour (Mirou) Happy reading 😊

message 14: by Kasia (new)

Kasia Good luck Pam! Happy New Year!

message 15: by PamG (new)

PamG Thanks Zain, Shirley, Maroua, and Kasia. Best wishes for a happy, healthy, and safe 2022. Happy Reading!

message 16: by Maureen (new)

Maureen Happy reading Pam! 🌸

message 17: by [deleted user] (new)

Happy New Year, Pam! 🎉 All the very best for this year's 📚 📖 Challenge!

message 18: by Terrie (new)

Terrie  Robinson (short break) Enjoy your 2022 reading journey, Pam! I just sent you another friend request because I think, for some reason, it dropped off..?? Happy New Year!

message 19: by PamG (new)

PamG Maureen wrote: "Happy reading Pam! 🌸"

Thanks, Maureen. Have a great reading year in 2022.

message 20: by PamG (new)

PamG sђellΐe wrote: "Happy New Year, Pam! 🎉 All the very best for this year's 📚 📖 Challenge!"

Thanks, sђellΐe. Best wishes for a happy, healthy, and safe 2022. Happy Reading.

message 21: by PamG (new)

PamG Terrie wrote: "Enjoy your 2022 reading journey, Pam! I just sent you another friend request because I think, for some reason, it dropped off..?? Happy New Year!"

Thanks, Terrie. I just accepted the friend request. I'm not sure what is going on. Happy New Year and Happy Reading!

message 22: by Sonja ♡ (new)

Sonja ♡  Have a great new year and enjoy reading

message 23: by PamG (new)

PamG Sonja ⚓ wrote: "Have a great new year and enjoy reading"

Thanks, Sonja. You too!

message 24: by Jim (new)

Jim C Happy New Year Pam. I hope you have a terrific year of reading!

message 25: by MarilynW (new)

MarilynW Enjoy a 2022 of reading! 📚

message 26: by PamG (new)

PamG Jim wrote: "Happy New Year Pam. I hope you have a terrific year of reading!"

Thanks, Jim. I hope you have lots of 4 and 5 star reads in 2022.

message 27: by PamG (new)

PamG MarilynW wrote: "Enjoy a 2022 of reading! 📚"

Thanks, Marilyn!

message 28: by Dilushani (new)

Dilushani Jayalath Good luck and happy reading!

message 29: by PamG (new)

PamG Dilushani wrote: "Good luck and happy reading!"

Thanks. Best wishes for a happy, healthy, and safe 2022. Happy Reading!

message 30: by Loretta (new)

Loretta Best of luck Pam! 😊

message 31: by Jade (new)

Jade Saul Happy reading

message 32: by PamG (new)

PamG Loretta wrote: "Best of luck Pam! 😊"

Thanks, Loretta!

message 33: by PamG (new)

PamG Jayson wrote: "Happy reading"

Thanks, Jayson. I hope you have lots of 5 star reads this year.

message 34: by Eileen (new)

Eileen Good luck to you, Pam! Happy Reading!

message 35: by PamG (new)

PamG Eileen wrote: "Good luck to you, Pam! Happy Reading!"

Thanks Eileen. You too....

message 36: by Beata (new)

Beata Happy reading, Pam! :))

message 37: by PamG (new)

PamG Beata wrote: "Happy reading, Pam! :))"

Thanks, Beata. You too! Happy New Year!

message 38: by John (new)

John Hatley Good luck and happy reading!

message 39: by PamG (new)

PamG John wrote: "Good luck and happy reading!"

Thanks, John! You too!

message 40: by Darla (new)

Darla You are off to a great start in 2022, Pam! Hope you discover lots of great reads this year.

message 41: by PamG (new)

PamG Darla wrote: "You are off to a great start in 2022, Pam! Hope you discover lots of great reads this year."

Thanks, Darla! Happy Reading to you in 2022.

Kim ~ It’s All About the Thrill Happy New Year and Happy reading!

message 43: by Jade (new)

Jade Saul Happy reading

message 44: by PamG (new)

PamG Kim ~ It’s All About the Thrill wrote: "Happy New Year and Happy reading!"

Thanks, Kim. Best wishes for a happy, healthy, and safe 2022. Happy Reading to you too.

message 45: by PamG (new)

PamG Jayson wrote: "Happy reading"

Thanks Jayson. Best wishes for a happy, healthy, and safe 2022. Happy Reading to you too.

message 46: by Jade (new)

Jade Hope you have a wonderful reading year. 💚💚💚💚💚

message 47: by PamG (new)

PamG Jade wrote: "Hope you have a wonderful reading year. 💚💚💚💚💚"

Thanks Jade. Happy Reading in 2022.

message 48: by Colin (new)

Colin Baldwin What a goal. Impressed and will watch out for your reviews. CB

message 49: by PamG (new)

PamG Colin wrote: "What a goal. Impressed and will watch out for your reviews. CB"


message 50: by Yarin (new)

Yarin Halowani good luck!
and happy reading <3
you can do this!

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