2021 Reading Challenge
Participants 5,651,632
Books Pledged 306,760,011
Avg. Books Pledged 54
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
Ayman has read 70 of 50 books in 2021.
  • The Maddest Obsession by Danielle Lori
  • The Sweetest Oblivion by Danielle Lori
  • Skin of the Night by C.K. Bennett
  • These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong
  • You Will Be the Death of Me by Karen M. McManus
  • Huda F Are You? by Huda Fahmy
  • Believe Me by Tahereh Mafi
  • Verity by Colleen Hoover
  • You've Reached Sam by Dustin Thao
  • Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao
Comments Showing 1-7 of 7 (7 new)    post a comment »
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message 1: by naba dee (new)

naba dee good luck!! :)

message 2: by persephone ☾ (new)

persephone ☾ CONGRATS !!

message 3: by Eunice (new)

Eunice Congrats!!!!!

message 4: by Sannah (new)

Sannah Wow, impressive! I wish I could read this much. Enjoy reading.

message 5: by Mary (new)

Mary oh yeah!!!

message 6: by Cara (new)

Cara Get iiiit.

message 7: by mitski stan (last edited Oct 28, 2021 06:00AM) (new)

mitski stan damn get it ayman I'm still fighting for that 25

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