2020 Reading Challenge
Participants 5,235,870
Books Pledged 329,632,470
Avg. Books Pledged 62
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
Sadie has read 201 of 1 book in 2020.
  • Deathtripping by Andersen Prunty
  • The Tricker-Treater, and Other Stories by Briana Morgan
  • The Searching Dead by Ramsey Campbell
  • Mary by Brea  Grant
  • Season's Creepings by Ronald Kelly
  • Devil's Night by Curtis M. Lawson
  • A Bright Enchanted Suffering by Eric LaRocca
  • A Savage Breed by Patrick C. Harrison III
  • The Visitor by Sergio   Gomez
  • Black Cranes by Lee Murray
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message 1: by Sherrill (new)

Sherrill Taylor I know that’s a typo, the only way you would read one book this year was if you were stranded on a deserted island for a year and you only had one book 🤣

message 2: by Sadie (new)

Sadie Hartmann Sherrill wrote: "I know that’s a typo, the only way you would read one book this year was if you were stranded on a deserted island for a year and you only had one book 🤣"

Hahahah, I'm just not setting a goal this year but I think I had to in order to track progress in my books?

message 3: by Oliver (new)

Oliver Clarke No, you can track your reads without having a target

Matt (TeamRedmon) Congratulations on meeting your goal, Sadie!

message 5: by Belinda (new)

Belinda Happy reading 🦋

message 6: by Karen J (new)

Karen J Sadie congratulations on reading 158 books...happy read! 📚

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