2020 Reading Challenge
Participants 5,235,875
Books Pledged 329,632,470
Avg. Books Pledged 62
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
PamG has read 192 of 175 books in 2020.
  • Crash and Burn by James Rollins
  • The Keepers by Jeffrey B. Burton
  • Quiet in Her Bones by Nalini Singh
  • Death of a Messenger by Robert McCaw
  • The Postscript Murders by Elly Griffiths
  • Bloodline by Jess Lourey
  • Courage Under Fire by Lindsay McKenna
  • The Academy by Robert Dugoni
  • Serpentine by Jonathan Kellerman
  • Murder on the Menu by Fiona Leitch
Comments Showing 1-45 of 45 (45 new)    post a comment »
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message 1: by Andrea (new)

Andrea Good luck with your challenge Pam.🤩

message 2: by PamG (new)

PamG Andrea wrote: "Good luck with your challenge Pam.🤩"

Thanks, Andrea. It looks like you are off to a great start on your challenge as well.

Britta (laptop down, will try to catch up when fixed) Happy New Year and happy reading in 2020! Hope you'll have many great reads. 🎉📚✨

message 4: by PamG (new)

PamG Britta wrote: "Happy New Year and happy reading in 2020! Hope you'll have many great reads. 🎉📚✨"

Thanks, Britta. Happy New Year to you too!

message 5: by Beata (new)

Beata Good luck, Pam, and happy reading!! :)

message 6: by Gianna (new)

Gianna Lorandi Wow that's impressive! Good luck :-)

message 7: by PamG (new)

PamG Beata wrote: "Good luck, Pam, and happy reading!! :)"

Thanks, Beata.

message 8: by PamG (new)

PamG Gianna wrote: "Wow that's impressive! Good luck :-)"

Thanks, Gianna.

message 9: by Melike (new)

Melike Have a wonderful year full of great reading!!

message 10: by PamG (new)

PamG Melike wrote: "Have a wonderful year full of great reading!!"
Thanks, Melike. Happy Reading in 2020 to you.

message 11: by Luffy Sempai (new)

Luffy Sempai Wish you a happy reading this year and beyond!

message 12: by PamG (new)

PamG Luffy wrote: "Wish you a happy reading this year and beyond!"

Thanks, Lufffy. Happy New Year and Happy Reading!

message 13: by Luffy Sempai (new)

Luffy Sempai PamG wrote: "Luffy wrote: "Wish you a happy reading this year and beyond!"

Thanks, Lufffy. Happy New Year and Happy Reading!"


message 14: by Carole (new)

Carole Happy New Year, PamG and happy reading!

message 15: by PamG (new)

PamG Carole wrote: "Happy New Year, PamG and happy reading!"

Thanks Carole. Happy New Year and have some great reads in 2020.

Sandysbookaday Good luck with your challenge Pam. I hope you have a wonderful year's reading ahead of you. ❤😍📚

message 17: by Belinda (new)

Belinda Happy reading. I hope you enjoy your reading time this year. 🍀🍀🍀

message 18: by PamG (new)

PamG Sandy *The world could end while I was reading and I would never notice* wrote: "Good luck with your challenge Pam. I hope you have a wonderful year's reading ahead of you. ❤😍📚"

Thanks, Sandy and good luck with your challenge of 200 books. Happy reading in 2020.

message 19: by PamG (new)

PamG Belinda wrote: "Happy reading. I hope you enjoy your reading time this year. 🍀🍀🍀"

Thanks, Belinda. Good luck on your challenge as well. Happy Reading!

ReadAlongWithSue ★⋆. ࿐࿔ Have a great reading year Pam 🥰

message 21: by PamG (new)

PamG sue wrote: "Have a great reading year Pam 🥰"

Thanks, Sue. You too!

message 22: by Chris (new)

Chris Happy New Year, Pam! Have a phenomenal reading year!

message 23: by Sharah (new)

Sharah McConville Happy Reading!

message 24: by PamG (new)

PamG Chris wrote: "Happy New Year, Pam! Have a phenomenal reading year!"

Thanks, Chris. Happy New Year and Happy Reading!

message 25: by PamG (new)

PamG Sharah wrote: "Happy Reading!"

Thanks Sharah. Have a great 2020 with lots of fantastic books.

message 26: by Tony (new)

Tony Nice challenge! :)

message 27: by PamG (new)

PamG Tony wrote: "Nice challenge! :)"

Thanks, Tony. Happy Reading!

message 28: by Deb (new)

Deb Jones You've set yourself what looks to me to be a formidable goal. Best wishes for your success.

message 29: by PamG (new)

PamG Deb wrote: "You've set yourself what looks to me to be a formidable goal. Best wishes for your success."

Thanks. It will be tough, but it is doable based on the last 3 years. You are also off to a strong start for your 2020 challenge.

message 30: by Kevin (new)

Kevin Ansbro Happy reading, Pam!

message 31: by PamG (new)

PamG Kevin wrote: "Happy reading, Pam!"

Thanks, Kevin!

message 32: by Maureen (new)

Maureen Congrats Pam, that’s an amazing amount of books 👏🏻

message 33: by Luffy Sempai (new)

Luffy Sempai Congratulations!

message 34: by PamG (new)

PamG Maureen wrote: "Congrats Pam, that’s an amazing amount of books 👏🏻"

Thanks, Maureen!

message 35: by PamG (new)

PamG Luffy wrote: "Congratulations!"

Thanks, Luffy!

Britta (laptop down, will try to catch up when fixed) Congrats on completing your challenge, Pam! Well done. 😊

message 37: by PamG (new)

PamG Britta wrote: "Congrats on completing your challenge, Pam! Well done. 😊"

Thanks, Britta! By the way, you blew right through your challenge goal! : )

message 38: by Britta (laptop down, will try to catch up when fixed) (last edited Nov 25, 2020 10:43AM) (new)

Britta (laptop down, will try to catch up when fixed) PamG wrote: "Thanks, Britta! By the way, you blew right through your challenge goal! : )"

Thank you, Pam. It actually looks more than it really is. I read many short books this year and even listened to most of them because I had trouble concentrating. I hope next year I will be able to read some thrillers again. There are so many great series I have to catch up on. But I'm afraid no matter how many books I read Mount TBR will never get any smaller ... 😃

message 39: by PamG (new)

PamG Britta wrote: "PamG wrote: "Thanks, Britta! By the way, you blew right through your challenge goal! : )"

Thank you, Pam. It actually looks more than it really is. I read many short books this year and even liste..."

I've read fewer books this year. Last year I finished at 220 books. My TBR continues to grow faster than I read also. But that means there are many great books out there that I can look forward to reading.

message 40: by Andrea (new)

Andrea Congratulations on passing your challenge. Lots of books well done.💗

message 41: by [deleted user] (new)


message 42: by PamG (new)

PamG Andrea wrote: "Congratulations on passing your challenge. Lots of books well done.💗"

Thanks, Andrea!

message 43: by PamG (new)

PamG Maria wrote: "Congratulations!"

Thanks, Maria!

message 44: by Carole (new)

Carole Congratulations Pam on a great year of reading!

message 45: by PamG (new)

PamG Carole wrote: "Congratulations Pam on a great year of reading!"

Thanks, Carole. You've read some good ones this year, too. (Some of which I hope to get to in 2021.) Happy Reading!

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