2020 Reading Challenge
Participants 5,235,871
Books Pledged 329,632,470
Avg. Books Pledged 62
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
Teodora has read 151 of 130 books in 2020.
  • The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest by Stieg Larsson
  • The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan
  • The Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan
  • Her Turn by Allison  Jones
  • The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan
  • Capturing the Devil by Kerri Maniscalco
  • Booked for Christmas by Lily Menon
  • The Twelve Dates of Christmas by Jenny Bayliss
  • A Conjuring of Light by Victoria Schwab
  • Wrapped Up in You by Talia Hibbert
Comments Showing 1-24 of 24 (24 new)    post a comment »
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message 1: by Kaja (new)

Kaja Good luck!! :)

message 2: by Teodora (new)

 Teodora Kaja wrote: "Good luck!! :)"

Thanks! :)

message 3: by Keep Calm (new)

Keep Calm Novel On Best wishes on your 2020 reading journey. 📖📚😊

message 4: by Teodora (new)

 Teodora Keep Calm wrote: "Best wishes on your 2020 reading journey. 📖📚😊"

Thanks! You too!

Aoife - Bookish_Babbling Happy reading in 2020 Teodora dear!

message 6: by Teodora (new)

 Teodora Aoife - Bookish_Babbling wrote: "Happy reading in 2020 Teodora dear!

Thanks so much! ❤

message 7: by Belinda (new)

Belinda Happy reading and s happy new year. 🌷🦋🌹🍀

message 8: by Teodora (new)

 Teodora Belinda wrote: "Happy reading and s happy new year. 🌷🦋🌹🍀"

Thanks! You too!

message 9: by exploraDora (new)

exploraDora Happy new year and happy reading in 2020! ❤️

message 10: by Khingsn (new)

Khingsn Happy New Year and Happy reading 🤍

message 11: by Teodora (new)

 Teodora Dora wrote: "Happy new year and happy reading in 2020! ❤️"

Happy New Year to you too! ❤

message 12: by Teodora (new)

 Teodora Wannit wrote: "Happy New Year and Happy reading 🤍"

Thanks! Happy New Year!

message 13: by Magical_Bookworm (new)

Magical_Bookworm Good luck! I have the same goal as you.

message 14: by Teodora (new)

 Teodora Magical_Bookworm wrote: "Good luck! I have the same goal as you."

Good luck to us both then!

message 15: by Nova (new)

Nova Best of luck with your 2020 challenge and happy Reading xox 😘📚🤓

message 16: by Teodora (new)

 Teodora Nova wrote: "Best of luck with your 2020 challenge and happy Reading xox 😘📚🤓"

Thanks! You too! 💓

message 17: by ~Cyanide Latte~ (new)

~Cyanide Latte~ Good luck!!

message 18: by Teodora (new)

 Teodora ~Cyanide Latte~ wrote: "Good luck!!"


message 19: by Teodora (new)

 Teodora arini wrote: "have a wonderful reading year ahead!! <3"

You too dear!

message 20: by Debra (new)

Debra Happy Reading!

message 21: by Teodora (new)

 Teodora Debra wrote: "Happy Reading!"

Thank you!

message 22: by Kathleen (new)

Kathleen Good luck 🥳

message 23: by Teodora (new)

 Teodora Kathleen wrote: "Good luck 🥳"

Thanks, you too! 🙌

message 24: by Nova (new)

Nova Congrats on completing your challenge xox 🤓📚

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