2019 Reading Challenge
Participants 4,350,101
Books Pledged 282,666,505
Avg. Books Pledged 64
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
PamG has read 220 of 200 books in 2019.
  • Toxic Game by Christine Feehan
  • Jefferson by Davidson Butler
  • Lincoln's Bodyguard by T.J. Turner
  • Stillhouse Lake by Rachel Caine
  • Magic Bites by Kate Satori
  • Things in Jars by Jess Kidd
  • Coral Reef Views by Vicki Delany
  • Sell Low, Sweet Harriet by Sherry Harris
  • Liar Liar by Mel Sherratt
  • A Spell for Trouble by Esme  Addison
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message 1: by Beata (new)

Beata Your challenge looking good, Pam :)) Fingers crossed!!

message 2: by PamG (new)

PamG Beata wrote: "Your challenge looking good, Pam :)) Fingers crossed!!"

Thanks! I get more reading done in the winter so I started the year strong, but I am only averaging about 15 books per month now. It will be close, but I think I will make it.

message 3: by Valerity (Val) (new)

Valerity (Val) You're doing awesome!

message 4: by PamG (new)

PamG Valerity (Val) wrote: "You're doing awesome!"

Thanks. You are doing great too with 81% completed.

message 5: by Lynn Renee (new)

Lynn Renee Congratulations 📚🎄🥂

message 6: by PamG (new)

PamG Lynn wrote: "Congratulations 📚🎄🥂"

Thanks, Lynn and Congratulations on meeting your goal of 300 books. That is impressive!

message 7: by Melike (new)

Melike Congratulations on a great year!!!

message 8: by Eileen (new)

Eileen Congratulations on a fantastic reading year! What do you think? 220 books for 2020? I was thinking of making that my goal next year.

message 9: by Belinda (new)

Belinda Well done. I wish you a great new bookyear in 2020. 🦋🌸☘️🌹

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