2018 Reading Challenge
Participants 4,155,479
Books Pledged 256,492,884
Avg. Books Pledged 61
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
Teodora has read 18 of 15 books in 2018.
  • Un băiat pe lista lui Schindler by Leon Leyson
  • Misadventures with My Roommate by Elizabeth Hayley
  • Always and Forever, Lara Jean by Jenny Han
  • P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han
  • To All the Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han
  • Reading Lolita in Tehran by Azar Nafisi
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling
  • Ucenicul by Tess Gerritsen
  • The Little Book of Hygge by Meik Wiking
  • We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
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message 1: by Erth (new)

Erth Well done

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