2139454 Simone's Friend Comments

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Apoorva ♡ Hi thank you so much for accepting my friend request!!
eagerly waiting for The Book of Cold Cases

message 8: by C. (Comment, never msg). (last edited Oct 13, 2019 02:14PM)

C.  (Comment, never msg). HAPPY THANKSGIVING, dear appreciated Simone! May we all be blessed, happy, and at peace. May we all be in long-lived good health and may the prayers we have, be answered!

I am proud of the spotlight that free e-book campaigns of "The Broken Girls" has clearly shone on your work. However, I want you to know: my spouse happily invested in the full-priced hardcover as a gift for me! Our favourite authors are worth buying new and you know your non-horror paranormal mysteries thrill me. Your friend, Carolyn.

Simone James Wow, thank you very much! Stephen King is a favorite of mine :)

Caroline Cairn There are two authors who inspire me, because I love their writing style, the vivid depiction of their characters, and most of all, the originality of their plots (the most difficult thing to find nowadays). These authors are Simone St James and Stephen King.
So there you go, as a newbie writer myself, consider me jealous of your talent!! ;)

Simone James :D

message 4: by Cathy

Cathy Thanks for being book mates with me Simone :D

Cristaux Hi Simone, thanks for accepting my friend request!
I really enjoyed The Haunting Of Maddy Clare and
I am looking forward to reading your other novels.

Harlequin Historical Hi, I'm very happy to meet you and look forward to discussing books with you. If you ever have any questions about any of the titles on my shelves, please ask away. I'll be happy to answer them.

message 1: by Maya

Maya Hey, Babe! Welcome Aboard! Now you can figure out all the cool corners in this universe and tell me where they are!

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