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2012 Challenge Archive > Favorite Reads of July 2012

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message 1: by Yz the Whyz, Moderator (last edited Aug 03, 2012 02:35AM) (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 9327 comments July had just ended, and I thought this would be a great opportunity to ask the following questions about the book/s you read last month.

Which book was your favorite for this month?

Who's your favorite hero for this month?

Who's your favorite heroine for this month?

Any keepers? New discoveries? Disappointments?

Stop by and share.

message 2: by Hina (last edited Aug 03, 2012 07:11AM) (new)

Hina (hinaj) | 2581 comments Favorite Book(s) for July: I read so many, I don't have just one, so here are my top 3 favorite books: Immortal Rider (Lords of Deliverance, #2) by Larissa Ione Seduction and Snacks (Chocolate Lovers #1) by Tara Sivec Purity in Death (In Death, #15) by J.D. Robb

Favorite Hero: Douglas Kowalski from Midnight Angel (Midnight, #3) by Lisa Marie Rice . Hero was in the military, big tough and vulnerable and ready to take on any situation. On a side note, Roarke as usual is my all time favorite as usual.

Favorite Heroine: Claire from Seduction and Snacks (Chocolate Lovers #1) by Tara Sivec . She is a bit quirky but her antics are hilarious. She manages to do a lot for her kid and the interaction with mother and son at times are too funny. And as usual Eve Dallas.

Keepers: Way too many. In addition to the books listed above. There are also To Catch an Heiress (Agents Of The Crown, #1) by Julia Quinn Falling Star by Olivia Brynn The Bliss Factor by Penny McCall

New Discoveries: Read a new author. No Matter What by Erin Nicholas by Erin Nicholas. Will read her again.

Disappointments: Not this month. Fingers Crossed

message 3: by Fran, Moderator (new)

Fran | 12057 comments July was a very good reading month for me-

Which book was your favorite for this month?
I don't know if I can pick just one...

The Fault in Our Stars
Major Crush

Who's your favorite hero for this month?

Brad from Frat Boy and Toppy
Augustus from The Fault in Our Stars

Who's your favorite heroine for this month?

Hazel from The Fault in Our Stars
Penryn from Angelfall
Bria from Wanderlove

Any keepers?

The Fault in our Stars
Major Crush

New Authors for me that I would like to read more from-

Kirsten Hubbard
Jenny Lawson
Susan Ee
Alice Hoffman


None of these were bad, just not as good as I expected them to be.

Weekend Warriors
Ride with Me
Purple Daze

message 4: by Bookcrazy (last edited Aug 03, 2012 09:58AM) (new)

Bookcrazy | 71 comments this month wasn't such a great reading month for me.. :/

favorite(s) and keeper for this month?
For Darkness Shows the Stars by Diana Peterfreund
and I really liked the short story
Glimmer by Vivi Anna (although I wished that it had some more pages)

favorite hero?
no real favourite...
maybe Kai from my favourite book or the Brutus (the dog) of
Love is a Four-Legged Word by Kandy Shepherd

favorite heroin?
Nina Decker
Glimmer by Vivi Anna or Elliot from my favourite book

New discoveries?
maybe Kandy Shepherd (although the books are predictable, but for an easy read there are nice - and I love the covers)
Love is a Four-Legged Word by Kandy Shepherd

too many just okay books
The Girl in the Steel Corset (Steampunk Chronicles, #1) by Kady Cross
Born to Bite (Argeneau, #13) by Lynsay Sands - it was really disappointing after the really good Nicholas book

message 5: by Gisbelle (new)

Gisbelle Pick one is impossible :)
My favorite books I read last month are My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick Between the Lines by Jodi Picoult Just Flirt by Laura Bowers

Such a Rush by Jennifer Echols ... maybe because I am not SO into airplanes.

message 6: by Carrie (new)

Carrie  (icanhasbooks) | 930 comments Which book was your favorite for this month?
If i have to pick one I will have to say, Bone Crossed (Mercedes Thompson, #4) by Patricia Briggs

Who's your favorite hero for this month?

Jericho from Darkfever (Fever, #1) by Karen Marie Moning

Who's your favorite heroine for this month?

Mercy Bone Crossed (Mercedes Thompson, #4) by Patricia Briggs

Any keepers? New discoveries? Disappointments?

All books I've read in July where great. No disappointments at all.

New discovery for me which I have given 5 stars to is The Housewife Assassin's Handbook by Josie Brown

It was a freebie that I picked up. I've now bought an anthology that one of her stories from this series is in and I'm going to be buying the next book, The Housewife Assassin's Guide to Gracious Killing, when it comes out in October.

Adding my own part: 5 star books for July
The Housewife Assassin's Handbook by Josie Brown Bone Crossed A Mercy Thompson Novel by Patricia Briggs The Eye of the World (Wheel of Time, #1) by Robert Jordan

message 7: by Yz the Whyz, Moderator (last edited Aug 05, 2012 08:55PM) (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 9327 comments I guess I need to answer my questions. : )


Angelfall (Penryn & the End of Days, #1) by Susan Ee was a pleasant surprise along with Across the Universe (Across the Universe, #1) by Beth Revis .

Reliable, enjoyable reads includes

Kresley Cole's Lothaire (Immortals After Dark, #12) by Kresley Cole , Gena Showalter's The Darkest Surrender (Lords of the Underworld, #8) by Gena Showalter , and Janet Evanovich's Two for the Dough (Stephanie Plum, #2) by Janet Evanovich .

Favorite Hero(es)

I enjoyed Strider in The Darkest Surrender (Lords of the Underworld, #8) by Gena Showalter and found an interesting anti-hero in Cole's Lothaire (Immortals After Dark, #12) by Kresley Cole .

Although Decadent (Wicked Lovers, #2) by Shayla Black is not his book, I thought Luc was pretty hot, and Raffe from Angelfall (Penryn & the End of Days, #1) by Susan Ee is very intriguing.

Favorite Heroine/s:

I like Penryn from Angelfall (Penryn & the End of Days, #1) by Susan Ee and Stephanie Plum from Two for the Dough (Stephanie Plum, #2) by Janet Evanovich .


I was surprised about how entertaining I found this book: Beastly (Kendra Chronicles, #1) by Alex Flinn .


I thought this book could have been better: Fury (New Species, #1) by Laurann Dohner

New Authors to me that I would like to read more:

Susan Ee and Beth Revis

message 8: by Jane (PS), Moderator (last edited Aug 05, 2012 09:17PM) (new)

Jane (PS) | 23128 comments Warning! You may or may not know, but I have been rather focused on M/M romance for a few months ;) ...So most of the books on this list are M/M...

Which book was your favorite for this month?
Shattered Glass (Shattered Glass, #1) by Dani Alexander , followed closely by The Luckiest (Lucky Moon, #2) by Piper Vaughn

Who's your favorite hero for this month?
I read Bloodlines (Infected, #2) by Andrea Speed - I love Roan (and Paris) from the infected series.

Who's your favorite heroine for this month?
I don't have many choices, but I did enjoy Kitty's 'over the top' and unbelievable antics... Touched by an Alien (Katherine "Kitty" Katt, #1) by Gini Koch

New discoveries?
I'll definitely read another book by K.Z. Snow after really enjoying Visible Friend by K.Z. Snow

Definitely What You Wish For by Fern Michaels - it was a DNF

message 9: by Vi (new)

Vi | 2541 comments Okay, here goes..

July was a very good month and most of my books were 4 stars.

Which book was your favorite for this month?
The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield Easy by Tammara Webber Percepliquis (The Riyria Revelations, #6) by Michael J. Sullivan Honorable mention to Seraphina (Seraphina, #1) by Rachel Hartman Let me stop here before I list most of my other books.

Who's your favorite hero for this month?
Hmm, a tough one. Hadrian from The Crown Conspiracy (The Riyria Revelations, #1) by Michael J. Sullivan , Reid from The Other Soldier by Kathy Altman and Lucas from Easy by Tammara Webber .

Who's your favorite heroine for this month?
Seraphina from Seraphina (Seraphina, #1) by Rachel Hartman tops the list easily.

New discoveries? Disappointments?
I discovered Franny Billingsley with the book Chime by Franny Billingsley . Her prose is so lyrical that I fell in love with it. Keplinger also finally worked for me in her new book A Midsummer's Nightmare by Kody Keplinger . Tammara Webber is the newest author discovery. I'll definitely be on the lookout for more of her books. Series wise, discovered Riyria Revelations series by Michael J. Sullivan. Unfortunately, I finished the series.

Disappointment - My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick . It had great potential but it was too long, lost its way in the middle with a ridiculous incident at the end. I gave it 2 stars.

message 10: by Jackie M (new)

Jackie M | 37 comments Which book was your favorite for this month? Sacrificial Magic (Downside Ghosts, #4) by Stacia Kane

Who's your favorite hero for this month? Nick from 50 Ways to Hex Your Lover (Jazz Tremaine #1) by Linda Wisdom you just can't go wrong with a sexy vampire!

Who's your favorite heroine for this month? Sabina from The Mage in Black (Sabina Kane, #2) by Jaye Wells she just seems like a tough cool chick.

Any keepers? Most of them are on my Kindle so I'll probably just remove them,but technically still keep them.

New discoveries? A Blood Seduction (Vamp City, #1) by Pamela Palmer never read anything by Pamela Palmer before and I really enjoyed this book so I will be checking out some of her other books/series.

Disappointments? Let Love Find You (Reid Family #4) by Johanna Lindsey Johanna Lindsey has always been my favorite author, but this book just wasn't up to par, but still enjoyable.

message 11: by namericanwordcat (new)

namericanwordcat | 32 comments Which book was your favorite for this month?

Heaven and Hell by Kristen Ashley

Who's your favorite hero for this month?

Jim in Magic Dreams (Kate Daniels, #6,5) by Ilona Andrews

Who's your favorite heroine for this month?

The Battle Lord's Lady (Battle Lord Saga, #1) by Linda Mooney

New discoveries? In Name Only by Janet Bieber Good historical. Game For Love (Bad Boys of Football, #3) by Bella Andre Funny!

Disappointments? The Darkest Day (Immortal Heat, #1) by Britt Bury Good new series (3 star) but not great. Shelter Mountain (Virgin River, #2) by Robyn Carr 4 star but needed more time with the couple.

I read some awful books but that is a different issue lol.

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