Room 107, Period 6 discussion

Books to read.

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message 1: by Terry (last edited Feb 15, 2011 01:02PM) (new)

Terry | 12 comments Mod
What three (or more) books are you adding to your 'to read' list? What makes them appealing to you? Use these web sites - and others you find - to help you find items.

Best Young Adult Books

Deliciously Clean

Strong Women

For Guys

message 3: by Josh (new)

Josh Trinidad | 7 comments 1.Luke Cage Noir by Mike Benson Is one I want to read because its not the type of genre I normally wouldn't read, and I read what Its about and I really got hooked on It.
2.The Things a Brother Knows by Dana Reinhardt I really want to read this book, to see how my relationship with my bro compared to this book.
3.Dust City by Robert Paul Weston I really want to find the perfect fantasy book I want to read this semester, and I think I just found that.

message 4: by Alyssa (new)

Alyssa | 4 comments These are the next three books I wish to read. What Happened to Goodbye by Sarah Dessen because I really like books by Sarah Dessen. I would also like to read Beastly by Alex Flinn because I like the idea of love between different kinds of people. The third book I would like to read is Forget you by Jennifer Echols because I like the topic about trying to live up to everyones standards, only to find someone and fall in love with them.

message 5: by Knute (new)

Knute Tuhus | 1 comments I Beat the Odds is a book i would be interested in because i like football and i liked the movie.
Nothing is a book that my teacher told me about, at first it sounded boring but then he said it got creepy so i thought i would try it out.

message 6: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer Kim | 6 comments 1)The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
2)Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
3)The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson

These 3 books are going to be added to my "to read list" because I've seen all of those in movies. I want to read and compare how they are different than the movie.

message 7: by Jennie (new)

Jennie Lopez | 3 comments I really want to read Hold Stillby Nina LaCour, Stolen: A letter to my captor, Deep Down Popular

message 8: by Tjay (new)

Tjay | 4 comments I want to read Ship Breaker because it looks interesting. I want to read Hunger Games because it looks very cool. I want to read Ship Breaker #2 because it is the sequal to Ship Breaker #1.

message 9: by El Rosendo (last edited Feb 15, 2011 02:06PM) (new)

El Rosendo | 3 comments 1)What Happened to Cass McBride?
2)Jack: Secret Vengeance
3)How I Live Now

I want to read those book because they were recomended to me and they sound interesting by reading the summary.

message 10: by Mayra (new)

Mayra Orozco | 5 comments I want to read "Return To Paradise" by Elizabith Scott because i read the first book and LOVED it, I think that the second book will answer some questions I had from the first book.

message 11: by Sanisi (new)

Sanisi Talanoa | 6 comments Three books I have added to my "to read" are, Catch a Fire: The Life of Bob Marley byTimothy White,Leaving Paradise by Simone Elkeles and The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie.
I chose the biography of Bob Marley, because I love his music and wanted to learn a bit more about his life. The second book I chose, due to seeing that Myra O. added the second book of this series, and thought it would be a GOOD READ. The third, my friend Josh T. recomended to me, he told me it was really funny, and I trust his opinion so I'm going to read it.

message 12: by Jesse (new)

Jesse Ogg | 5 comments The 3 new books on my to read shelf are:Lordof the Flies by Wlliam Glding,Silence of the lambs by Tomas Herris, and the Adventuresof Huckelberry Finn by Mark Twain.

message 14: by Kylie (new)

Kylie | 1 comments The three books I put on my to read shelve are...The cather in the rye, The hunger games and Speak. I chose these books because when I read the books' summaries they sounded kind of interesting.

message 15: by Anne (new)

Anne | 5 comments Searching on, I've been ble to find three interesting posibilities of books I could read in the future."Little Lord Fauntleroy"...I love Frances Burnett's Secret Garden and I haven't heard or seen a movie of this book. "The Little Princess"...becasue it's also by Frances Burnett."Little Women"... because people I know say they love the story, and it's a classic.

message 16: by Marcus (new)

Marcus Walker | 3 comments Blade: Playing Deadis a book i would like to read because i read the 1st book.Lockdowni would like to read this book because Mr.DeBarger pointed me in the direction to it.

message 17: by Brooke (new)

Brooke Nichole | 5 comments Three books I would really love to read are Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret by Judy Blume, because my mom has mentioned it and I have been interested in it ever since. Breathing Underwater by Julia Green, because I looked it up, and the cover and title were attractive to me. White Sands, Red Menace by Ellen Klages because the story line looks interesting, and it seems like something I would enjoy reading.

message 18: by Jackie (new)

Jackie Zhou (kazuto) | 1 comments Is Akiko in book 4 the ring of water?

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