Hooked on Books discussion

Archive > Bobbi's Web

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message 1: by Ashley, Challenge Hooked (last edited Sep 06, 2023 11:49AM) (new)

Ashley Basile (ahunsicker) | 2814 comments Mod
🕸️Welcome to your Web!🕸️
Duration: September 1st to October 31st, 2023

You've been caught in the HOB Spider's Web! Work your way out by completing tasks! But, BEWARE! There will be "sticky", unknown traps to deal with! Bonus Tasks are hidden throughout the web, and if you're caught, you'll need to complete the task before continuing on - SOMETIMES THIS INCLUDES ANY OTHER HOB CHALLENGES YOU MAY BE PARTICIPATING IN!

📌VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT! Make sure that you have notifications turned on, so that you don't miss updates, bonus task notices, etc!! If you don't know how to do this, here is a HOW-TO!

Challenge Rules:
Standard Challenge Rules apply, plus...
🕸️Rereads DO count for this challenge BUT must have been read more than a year ago.
🕸️One book per prompt/task.
🕸️Follow your own time zone. If you finish the book between the challenge dates in your time zone, it counts.
🕸️ Please NOTE! This Challenge uses Google Sheets for tracking. - PLEASE KEEP THIS AS UP-TO-DATE AS POSSIBLE FOR SCORES TO POPULATE CORRECTLY! Of course, it's not necessary to update constantly but try to update as often as your schedule reasonably allows. Scores will be announced weekly on Sunday, so at minimum, ensure you update each week by Saturday evening!

Task Rules:
You must be able to justify how your book fits the prompt. Creativity is encouraged, but please hold to the task/prompt.
🕷️Cover Color must be more than 50% (https://labs.tineye.com/color/)
🕷️List page number, percentage, or chapter for word in text
🕷️Cover Items should be shown or mentioned in your post (ie cover image)
🕷️Short explanation for other tasks for proof of task completion
When you complete a book, please post a completion post here with your justification. Something simple is fine.

The Challenge Scoresheet can be found here: https://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/...

YOUR personal spreadsheet is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/...
It is important that you DO NOT ADD page counts to your spreadsheet until you have completed the book. If you add it before, it will show points you have not yet earned on the scoresheet. I will be checking this weekly, and removing them when needed.

message 2: by Ashley, Challenge Hooked (new)

Ashley Basile (ahunsicker) | 2814 comments Mod

message 3: by Ashley, Challenge Hooked (new)

Ashley Basile (ahunsicker) | 2814 comments Mod
When you complete a book, please post a completion post here with your justification. Something simple is fine! Thank you!

message 4: by Bobbi , Mod in training (new)

Bobbi  (schadenfreudian) | 488 comments Mod
Oh! Sure thing! I just added it to my SS

message 5: by Bobbi , Mod in training (last edited Sep 03, 2023 12:56PM) (new)

Bobbi  (schadenfreudian) | 488 comments Mod
Book: Obsidian - Jennifer L. Armentrout 💙💙💙
Date: 9/1/23
Leg: Jack-O-Lanterns
Prompt: with a title that begins with O
How it fits: starts with O
Pages: 333
Bonus: Titans; Monster Hunt

message 6: by Ashley, Challenge Hooked (new)

Ashley Basile (ahunsicker) | 2814 comments Mod
Congratulations! Your book is...

message 7: by Bobbi , Mod in training (new)

Bobbi  (schadenfreudian) | 488 comments Mod
Book: The Alienist - Caleb Carr 💙💙💙💙
Date: 9/5/23
Leg: Spiders
Prompt: with "SILK" in the text
How it fits: ...pulling a small snuffbox out of his silk vest... pg. 477
Pages: 498
Bonus: Halloween HOF; Monster Hunt

message 8: by Ashley, Challenge Hooked (new)

Ashley Basile (ahunsicker) | 2814 comments Mod
Congratulations! Your book is...

message 9: by Bobbi , Mod in training (new)

Bobbi  (schadenfreudian) | 488 comments Mod
Book: River Marked - Patricia Briggs 💙💙💙💙
Date: 9/7/23
Leg: Spiders
Prompt: with "SPIDER" in the text
How it fits: ...The Lakota's trickster is Iktomi - the spider... pg. 146
Pages: 290
Bonus: Titans; Monster Hunt

message 10: by Ashley, Challenge Hooked (new)

Ashley Basile (ahunsicker) | 2814 comments Mod
Congratulations! Your book is...

message 11: by Bobbi , Mod in training (new)

Bobbi  (schadenfreudian) | 488 comments Mod
Book: The Sea of Monsters - Rick Riordan 💙💙💙💙
Date: 9/9/23
Leg: Monsters
Prompt: with MONSTER in title (any order)
How it fits: sea of MONSTERs
Pages: 279
Bonus: Titans; Monster Hunt

message 12: by Ashley, Challenge Hooked (new)

Ashley Basile (ahunsicker) | 2814 comments Mod
Congratulations! Your book is...

message 13: by Bobbi , Mod in training (new)

Bobbi  (schadenfreudian) | 488 comments Mod
Book: The Trouble With Vampires - Lynsay Sands 💙💙💙💙
Date: 9/10/23
Leg: Zombies
Prompt: where a character has an injury to their head/brain (decapitation included)
How it fits: MCs parents are beheaded.
Pages: 370
Bonus: Titans; Monster Hunt; Halloween HOF

message 14: by Ashley, Challenge Hooked (new)

Ashley Basile (ahunsicker) | 2814 comments Mod
Congratulations! Your book is...

message 15: by Bobbi , Mod in training (new)

Bobbi  (schadenfreudian) | 488 comments Mod
Book: How To Lose a Demon in 10 Days - Saranna DeWylde 💙💙
Date: 9/11/23
Leg: Demons
Prompt: with "HELL" in the text
How it fits: Caspian was technically a Crown Prince of Hell. pg. 1
Pages: 320
Bonus: Monster Hunt

message 16: by Ashley, Challenge Hooked (new)

Ashley Basile (ahunsicker) | 2814 comments Mod
Congratulations! Your book is...

message 17: by Ashley, Challenge Hooked (new)

Ashley Basile (ahunsicker) | 2814 comments Mod

In order to get out, you must complete the following task! You may not complete ANY OTHER TASKS in your challenge until this task is completed!

Read a book where the first letter of the title is "G"

A row has been added to your spreadsheet!

message 18: by Bobbi , Mod in training (new)

Bobbi  (schadenfreudian) | 488 comments Mod
Book: The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald 💙💙💙💙
Date: 9/17/23
Leg: Trap
Prompt: Read a book where the first letter of the title is "G"
How it fits: Great starts with G
Pages: 192
Bonus: --

message 19: by Ashley, Challenge Hooked (new)

Ashley Basile (ahunsicker) | 2814 comments Mod
Congratulations! Your book is...

message 20: by Bobbi , Mod in training (last edited Sep 23, 2023 12:14PM) (new)

Bobbi  (schadenfreudian) | 488 comments Mod
I'm updating from mobile so I'll add the proper links to this when I get on my PC in the morning. :)

Book: Dragon Shift - Clarissa Gosling
Date: 9/20/23
Leg: Ghost
Prompt: ghost in the title in any order
How it fits: draGOn SHifT
Pages: 295
Bonus: Titan Round Up

message 21: by Ashley, Challenge Hooked (new)

Ashley Basile (ahunsicker) | 2814 comments Mod
Congratulations! Your book is...

message 22: by Bobbi , Mod in training (new)

Bobbi  (schadenfreudian) | 488 comments Mod
Book: 14 Ways to Die - Vincent Ralph
Date: 9/22/23
Leg: Mummies
Prompt: with a character that needs to be bandaged
How it fits: Jamie's wrist needs bandaging after (view spoiler).
Pages: 400
Bonus: Titan RU

message 23: by Bobbi , Mod in training (new)

Bobbi  (schadenfreudian) | 488 comments Mod
Book: The Rosie Project - Graeme Simsion
Date: 9/24/23
Leg: Mummies
Prompt: with a vital organ mentioned in the text
How it fits: "At heart," Mary said to Rosie, "you're a psychiatrist rather than a psychologist. pg. 212
Pages: 292
Bonus: Monster Hunt, Halloween HOF

message 24: by Ashley, Challenge Hooked (new)

Ashley Basile (ahunsicker) | 2814 comments Mod
Congratulations! Your books are...

message 25: by Bobbi , Mod in training (new)

Bobbi  (schadenfreudian) | 488 comments Mod
Book: The Art of Racing in the Rain - Garth Stein 💙💙💙💙
Date: 9/25/23
Leg: Vampires
Prompt: where an invitation of some kind is extended
How it fits: Denny's in-laws invite their daughter and grandchild to stay with them while she is fighting cancer.
Pages: 336
Bonus: Titan RU, Monster Hunt

message 26: by Ashley, Challenge Hooked (new)

Ashley Basile (ahunsicker) | 2814 comments Mod
Congratulations! Your book is...

message 27: by Bobbi , Mod in training (new)

Bobbi  (schadenfreudian) | 488 comments Mod
Book: Zombie Zoology: Zombie Anthology - Tim Curran 💙💙💙
Date: 9/28/23
Leg: Zombies
Prompt: with ZOMBIES in the text
How it fits: The zombies had been vanquished. loc. 47
Pages: 256
Bonus: Titan RU, Monster Hunt, Halloween HOF

message 28: by Bobbi , Mod in training (new)

Bobbi  (schadenfreudian) | 488 comments Mod
Book: The Cage - Bonnie Kistler 💙💙💙💙
Date: 9/29/23
Leg: Monsters
Prompt: with a "MONSTER" character (your interpretation)
How it fits: Claudine de Martineau International, where the MC works, traffics people and her boss tries to get rid of her to keep things quiet.
Pages: 352
Bonus: Titan RU, Halloween HOF

message 29: by Ashley, Challenge Hooked (new)

Ashley Basile (ahunsicker) | 2814 comments Mod
Congratulations! Your books are...

message 30: by Bobbi , Mod in training (new)

Bobbi  (schadenfreudian) | 488 comments Mod
Book: The Steampunk Bible: An Illustrated Guide to the World of Imaginary Airships, Corsets and Goggles, Mad Scientists, and Strange Literature - Jeff VanderMeer 💙💙💙
Date: 10/1/23
Leg: Jack-o-lantern
Prompt: with an orange cover
How it fits:
The Steampunk Bible An Illustrated Guide to the World of Imaginary Airships, Corsets and Goggles, Mad Scientists, and Strange Literature by Jeff VanderMeer
Pages: 224
Bonus: Titan RU, Halloween HOF, Monster Hunt

message 31: by Bobbi , Mod in training (new)

Bobbi  (schadenfreudian) | 488 comments Mod
Book: Cinder - Marissa Meyer 💙💙💙💙
Date: 10/2/23
Leg: Spiders
Prompt: with an 8 in the page count
How it fits: 448 pgs.
Pages: 448
Bonus: Monster Hunt

message 32: by Ashley, Challenge Hooked (new)

Ashley Basile (ahunsicker) | 2814 comments Mod
Congratulations! Your books are...

message 33: by Ashley, Challenge Hooked (last edited Oct 04, 2023 02:11PM) (new)

Ashley Basile (ahunsicker) | 2814 comments Mod

In order to get out, you must complete the following task! You may not complete ANY OTHER TASKS in both your Titan Round Up challenge and your Spider Web Challenge until this task is completed! However, if you are clever and can figure out how to use your book for both this task and your current Titan Round Up challenge task, that's allowed.

"Read a book with a broom on the cover or in the text"

message 34: by Bobbi , Mod in training (new)

Bobbi  (schadenfreudian) | 488 comments Mod
Book: The Golden Cage - Camilla Läckberg 🎃🎃🎃🎃
Date: 10/4/23
Leg: Witches
Prompt: with a broom on the cover or text
How it fits: ...she can't afford to find someone to remove that broom handle from her ass.” Faye sniggered. Audiobook, 8%
Pages: 352
Bonus: --

message 35: by Ashley, Challenge Hooked (new)

Ashley Basile (ahunsicker) | 2814 comments Mod
Congratulations! Your book is...

message 36: by Bobbi , Mod in training (new)

Bobbi  (schadenfreudian) | 488 comments Mod
Book: The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein - Kiersten White 🧡🖤🧡🖤
Date: 10/7/23
Leg: Monsters
Prompt: based on a horror legend
How it fits: Retelling of Frankenstein
Pages: 305
Bonus: --

message 37: by Ashley, Challenge Hooked (new)

Ashley Basile (ahunsicker) | 2814 comments Mod
Congratulations! Your book is...

message 38: by Bobbi , Mod in training (new)

Bobbi  (schadenfreudian) | 488 comments Mod
Book: You're Not Supposed to Die Tonight - Kalynn Bayron 🧡🖤🧡🖤
Date: 10/10/23
Leg: Werewolves
Prompt: with a MOON on the cover
How it fits:
You're Not Supposed to Die Tonight by Kalynn Bayron
Pages: 230
Bonus: Halloween HOF

message 39: by Ashley, Challenge Hooked (new)

Ashley Basile (ahunsicker) | 2814 comments Mod
Congratulations! Your book is...

message 40: by Ashley, Challenge Hooked (new)

Ashley Basile (ahunsicker) | 2814 comments Mod

Ahhh! The infamous October Friday the 13th!
What a great reason for a BONUS TASK! Complete this task within 5 days and receive page points, your regular bonus points for using the book in additional challenges PLUS ... wait for it... 13 bonus points! You don't want to miss out on this one!

"Read a book with the word "Superstitious" or "Superstition" in the text or the title."

message 41: by Bobbi , Mod in training (new)

Bobbi  (schadenfreudian) | 488 comments Mod
Book: Braineater Jones - Stephen Kozeniewski 🧡🖤🧡
Date: 10/11/23
Leg: Jack-O-Lanterns
Prompt: published in October (any year)
How it fits: published October 9, 2013
Pages: 235
Bonus: Titan RU, Monster Hunt

message 42: by Bobbi , Mod in training (new)

Bobbi  (schadenfreudian) | 488 comments Mod
Book: The Sacrifice - Rin Chupeco 🧡🖤🧡🖤🧡
Date: 10/13/23
Leg: Bonus
Prompt: Read a book with the word "Superstitious" or "Superstition" in the text or the title.
How it fits: ...it's superstition, but I'm telling you that the legend is just as real as you and me. Chapter 11, roughly 50% through.
Pages: 283
Bonus: Titan RU

message 43: by Bobbi , Mod in training (new)

Bobbi  (schadenfreudian) | 488 comments Mod
Book: How to Flirt with a Naked Werewolf Molly Harper 🧡🖤
Date: 10/13/23
Leg: Werewolves
Prompt: with a WEREWOLF MC.
How it fits: Cooper is a werewolf.
Pages: 384
Bonus: --

message 44: by Ashley, Challenge Hooked (new)

Ashley Basile (ahunsicker) | 2814 comments Mod
Congratulations! Your books are...

message 45: by Bobbi , Mod in training (last edited Oct 16, 2023 11:50AM) (new)

Bobbi  (schadenfreudian) | 488 comments Mod
Book: #Murderfunding - Gretchen McNeil 🧡🖤🧡🖤
Date: 10/15/23
Leg: Mummies
Prompt: with a WHITE cover
How it fits:
#Murderfunding (MurderTrending, #2) by Gretchen McNeil
Pages: 336
Bonus: Monster Hunt

message 46: by Ashley, Challenge Hooked (new)

Ashley Basile (ahunsicker) | 2814 comments Mod
Congratulations! Your book is...

message 47: by Bobbi , Mod in training (new)

Bobbi  (schadenfreudian) | 488 comments Mod
Book: Ex-Purgatory - Peter Clines 🧡🖤🧡🖤
Date: 10/21/23
Leg: Zombies
Prompt: featuring an APOCALYPSE
How it fits: set after a zombie apocalypse
Pages: 348
Bonus: Monster Hunt

message 48: by Ashley, Challenge Hooked (new)

Ashley Basile (ahunsicker) | 2814 comments Mod
Congratulations! Your book is...

message 49: by Ashley, Challenge Hooked (new)

Ashley Basile (ahunsicker) | 2814 comments Mod
Wheel Spin BONUS Task!
You have until the end of the challenge to complete this bonus task. You are free to complete this task while completing your main tasks!

When a shy groom practices his wedding vows in the inadvertent presence of a deceased young woman, she rises from the grave assuming he has married her.

Read a book where someone gets married (major or minor characters accepted).
Worth Page Points PLUS 6 Bonus Points

A space has been added to your spreadsheet!

message 50: by Bobbi , Mod in training (new)

Bobbi  (schadenfreudian) | 488 comments Mod
Book: 101 Horror Books to Read Before You're Murdered - Sadie Hartmann 🧡🖤🧡🖤
Date: 10/23/23
Leg: Vampires
Prompt: with a CROSS on the cover
How it fits:
101 Horror Books to Read Before You're Murdered by Sadie Hartmann
Pages: 168
Bonus: --

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