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2022 Motley Reading Challenge > Martha's Motley Challenge 2022

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message 1: by Martha (last edited Dec 26, 2022 07:57PM) (new)

Martha (marthas48) | 719 comments Motley Challenge 2022
Read 25/26 challenges.
25/25 completed

1. A book you received as a gift.
Cell Stephen King 7/3/22

2. A book that takes place in New York, New Mexico, New Jersey, New Hampshire.
Death of Riley Rhys Bowen 8/24/22 New York

3. A book about: book clubs, book stores, libraries
The Personal Librarian Marie Benedict - New York 6/14/22

4. A book from Moderator Recommends https://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/...
The Maid Nita Prose 5/21/22

5. A new release.
Sisters in Arms Kaia Alderson 3/10/22

6. A lesser known book written by any author.
Who's Sorry Now? Jill Churchill 5/4/22

7. A book with a two word title.
On Bowie Rob Sheffield 2/10/22

8. A book with a different culture than yours.
The Hacienda Isabel Cañas 11/17/22

9. A book about someone who is dead.
Lincoln David Herbert Donald 9/23/22

10. A book from a genre you don’t usually read.
The Cure for Death by Lightning Gail Anderson-Dargatz 11/11/22 magical realism

11. Read two books by one author, name author.
Royal Blood 6/23/22 & For the Love of Mike 11/20/22 by Rhys Bowen

12. Book set in a fictional town.
Killer's Payoff Ed McBain 10/22/22 city is never named

13. A light hearted or fun book.
Murder with Peacocks Donna Andrews 8/20/22

14. A book about betrayal.
The White Princess Philippa Gregory 7/22/22

15. A book written by an author who uses initials for his/her name.
Anne of Windy Poplars L.M. Montgomery 1/8/22

16. A book you own but haven’t read yet.
T is for Trespass Sue Grafton 1/29/22

17. A book from the bottom of your tbr list.
All the King's Men Robert Penn Warren 10/21/22 Oct. 2008

18. A highly anticipated book.
Fairy Tale Stephen King 12/18/22

19. A book you picked up at the library.
The Foundling Georgette Heyer 2/23/22

20. A book you bought/borrowed without reading the inside blurb.

21. A book that starts with the letter W, X,Y, or Z*
Yule Log Murder Leslie Meier 4/8/22

22. A book from a series.
The Beekeeper's Apprentice Laurie R. King 2/8/22

23. A book with a number in the title.
Three Bedrooms, One Corpse Charlaine Harris 7/14/22

24. Read a book set in a state with a direction in its name: North, South, East, or West. (N.C, N.D, S.C, S.D, W.V)
Assault and Batter Jessica Beck 2/27/22 North Carolina

25. A book written by someone from The U.K. (N. Ireland, Scotland, England, Wales)
Arabella Georgette Heyer 1/19/22

26. A book with an Orange cover.
Canada Richard Ford 8/22/22

*According to Goodreads rules: books that start with certain letters include the A/An/The. Which means that no, we cant skip those words.

message 2: by Martha (last edited Dec 26, 2022 07:58PM) (new)

Martha (marthas48) | 719 comments I completed 25 of the 26 tasks. I'm a little surprised. :-)

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